Edit: At least it’s not as bad as DHL, they just drop that shit wherever the hell they want after running it over

UPS it shows up late but in great shape

FedEx it’s on time but damn I wish they took the extra time to be more careful

Edit 2: Image transcription

Depicted is a comparison of 2 lines, 1 straight and the other spiraled and curled much like a bowl of spaghetti. Each line connects it’s own pair of X’s. The straight line has the words, “USPS delivering my bills,” above it. Whereas the tangled mass of line has the words, “USPS delivering my packages,” above it.

  • @[email protected]
    337 months ago

    You should thank Louis DeJoy for that. He was appointed postmaster by Trump and gutted USPS while possessing an equity stake in XPO, a subcontractor for USPS.

  • candyman337
    257 months ago

    USPS has been incredibly reliable for me

    UPS has dropped my box off so say, only for there to be nothing, twice. The second time they provided “proof.” It was a form that said delivered with no image.

    Fuck UPS lol

    • GormadtOP
      37 months ago

      Straight up this morning FedEx dropped my package off at a random apartment in my complex

      I had to walk around the complex until I found the flower pots in the picture just to get my stuff (thank goodness they actually had a picture this time)

      Yeah the shipper didn’t put the apartment number on it, but that’s when it should be returned to the distribution center as “non-valid address: undeliverable” not just put in front of a random apartment

      And UPS just sent me an email saying my package is running late, which I know already as it was supposed to be delivered last Wednesday. And I had already started the “lost package” thing through them.

      Flat rate USPS shipments ship so bloody well it’s crazy though. I literally shipped some film off to be developed and it crossed the country and was delivered in just under 72 hours. The film developer didn’t ship it flat rate and it’s been all over the country since then, it even went to Florida twice. I’m on the west coast and the developer is in Alabama.

      • candyman337
        27 months ago

        Yeah, I don’t fault the drivers tbh it’s a shit job, they need better pay and support, and I feel like, despite the right thing to dismantle it, USPS is still the best to work for and it shows. Mail service is just that, a SERVICE. It doesn’t need to be a business, I wish we’d stop talking about USPS like it needs to be profitable. It’s necessary! Sure optimize it where you can without fucking over workers, but it doesn’t matter if it’s profitable because it’s purpose is to deliver mail not make a profit.

        The mentality of profitablity over everything else is so toxic. Even a business should want to provide a service and profit enough to grow at a reasonable rate, not maximize profit and everything else second.

        • GormadtOP
          47 months ago

          I work in the ltl freight industry, shipping blows

          I agree that we should be treating USPS like it is, a service

          It needs support for sure

  • Froyn
    147 months ago

    USPS has a fantastic service available to those that wish to use it. Free of charge, they’ll send you pictures of each piece of mail being delivered and the day to expect it on. You can tag mail as undelivered right through the site.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      Yeah, honestly. A lot about our systems, services and infrastructure sucks but we mostly got the postal service right. It’s one of the few things I’m genuinely proud of (which is saying a lot).

      It’s not perfect, and sometimes it’s hell dealing with bureaucracy no matter the alphabet organization but fuck is it wild that we can nearly guarantee postal service across our almost 10,000,000 km^2 land mass.

    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      Fantastic unless you’re sharing a residence with someone that uses it and is nosy as fuck about everything you get in the mail.

  • ares35
    7 months ago

    alternate labels:

    top: amazon prime shipping
    bottom: amazon standard free delivery.

    whenever we have prime (trials, always), orders come almost always from the nearest distribution center, which is also the city where all our mail goes for sorting and is postmarked at.

    when we don’t, orders are held for a full day before processing on their end, and then they ship from far-distant distribution centers… like florida–1500 miles away. packages travel from d.c. to d.c. on amazon trucks, as many as five or six stops, before arriving at the ‘local’ d.c. where the prime shipments originate from.

    • GormadtOP
      27 months ago

      Never had an issue with mine but in my state I can track my ballots whole processing

      • @gravitas_deficiency
        37 months ago

        It really depends on the state and the district/county/parish/whatever. If it’s being run by Republicans, and they’re pushing anti-democratic (small-“d” - we’re not talking about the DNC), voter-hostile policies, that tends to dovetail with DeJoy’s bullshit and ends up depressing voter turnout - and very often it’s done in a targeted fashion, focusing “enforcement” of those policies on districts with less registered Republicans and applying them more permissively (or not at all) in places with strong Republican support.

        • GormadtOP
          27 months ago

          My favorite is “Signature mismatch - please come down to the voting office to rectify”

          At least they have a parking garage nearby

  • @[email protected]
    87 months ago

    USPS is by far the most reliable and competent delivery service. It’s even more reliable than the trucks Amazon runs. Maybe your area is different, but the amount of late and lost packages I have from the others … sigh.

    • GormadtOP
      37 months ago

      USPS is definitely the most reliable in my area, everything else sucks in various ways.

      My package may bounce all over the country in really weird ways but in the last year I’ve only had 1 from them actually be late and only 1 that was damaged.

      All the others were a mixed bag at best.

  • @[email protected]
    67 months ago

    Based nationalized essential service.

    The main reason it hasn’t been totally privatized already is that the country would fall apart without it. The USPS can deliver to unprofitable locations that the private sector would never cover. Even then, it still makes a profit naturally. Even though some ideologue Republicans want it totally privatized, enough of the GOP recognizes that they rely on the rural voters who vote by mail from unprofitable locations. If they get rid of Democracy, it might become privatized by dumbass fascists, but even then, the economy and federal government would unraveled as a result.

    • GormadtOP
      47 months ago

      Usually I get the late notices before the actual bill

  • katy ✨
    37 months ago

    i ordered something from etsy who was in literally the next town over but they sent it an hour away to the city before coming back to me