i installed debian with KDE for a friend years ago… is there a way to upgrade to bookworm using the “discover” GUI? or are they going to have to edit /etc/apt/sources.list?

not they they are incapable of doing something simple like this, but just wondering if there is a GUI method to do a full version upgrade


  • @imrichyouknow
    21 year ago

    I don’t think you can. Editing a single file every few years really isn’t a big deal. A dedicated GUI app would be nice but I doubt any developer is going to make it unless Debian hit big with desktop home users.

    • @9488fcea02a9OP
      1 year ago

      my point is, there is already a GUI app for software updates… KDE discover. but i wasn’t sure if it had the ability to do a full version upgrade.

      seems like it would be a simple thing to add… a dialog that says “do you want to upgrade to debian 12/bookworm?” and then it automagically edits your sources.list for you

      i guess if it doesn’t exist, i could submit a feature request