They had two things going for them… Decent linux support and non-shitty DRM ink/toner
Rens is part of groupe legault which also owns mondou and produces pet food in quebec
I think the problem is that a lot of people are just running flatpaks, dockers, and third party repos which might not be getting timely updates.
I try to stick to debian packages for everything as much as possible for this reason.
Just use the transit agency official app. ATRM app in montreal works fine for me.
Preferable to a for-profit company claiming to not sell ads/data yet has an opaque funding model.
I voted trudeau that one time because he said it would be the last FPTP election…
Read the post above mine… “Privacy respecting options” are almost always downstream forks of firefox. Abandon/kill the source, and downstream dries up
My eyes are perfect, but my teeth are fucked…
Does this process work in reverse?
This needs to be higher up. We need firefox as an alternative to a chrome engine monopoly. ToS and telemetry are miniscule issues compared to what we are up against
Firefox is literally the last thing standing between google controlling the entire browser landscape and having control over all web standards (as if they dont already have too much influence)
People ditching firefox over tos, telemetry, AI, CEO pay, etc. are cutting off their nose to spite their face. Do i wish mozilla would stop doing stupid shit? Of course. But the alternative is far worse. Dont let perfect be the enemy of good. Mozilla will never be as ideologically pure as we want them to be, but that’s OK (for now)
I’ve been using NC since single digit version numbers
The performance increase on v30 is VERY noticeable, especially loading photos.
I’ve been using nextcloud for contacts, calendar, and files for many years
Will be easy for me to ditch proton if the bullshit escalates further
Wait… Are they the good guys now?
Every time he says something stupid, it should be like the batman slapping robin comic meme
I think bernie would make a fine prime minister
I dunno. I dont have any facebook apps. But the default blocklist seems to block all the ads on my partner’s apps
Also, porn.
Where is this abhorrent content? I need to know so i can avoid it…
Have to do it at the dns level with something like pihole
As much as i try to update OSM with local knowledge, there’s no way to keep OSM reasonably up to date without automation tools.
I’m not sure how OSM can replicate whatever tools google uses to constantly update open/close hours, new/dead businesses, bus stops with schedules, etc.
Can we finally unload that big ass russian airplane parked at pearson for 3 years?
When you say “unrecoverable” do you mean the graphical desktop didnt load? Or you couldnt even log in to the terminal?
A lot of newbies assume that not getting to a graphical session means the OS is dead and nuke it and start over. When in a lot of cases, you can just switch to the command line and troubleshoot or roll back the broken drivers
Just for future reference if you try linux again