• @Blackhole
    27 months ago

    Because yall are being pedantic. You know exactly what unskilled labor refers to. But because you want to be pedantic we have to change words to say the exact same thing. Not for a good reason… just cause. I guess all the minimally skilled people were offended?

    • Flying Squid
      07 months ago

      Yes, I know what the term refers to the same way I know what the term ‘stewardess’ means, but we decided that was a sexist term, so now we say ‘flight attendant.’ Language can change. Language that is obviously classist can definitely change. Changing obviously classist language should be done.

      And if you still don’t agree, perhaps you could tell me where the dividing line is, specifically, between ‘skilled’ and ‘unskilled.’ You seem to believe these have precise definitions, so exactly how much training is required to make one skilled?

      • @Blackhole
        17 months ago

        Lol, ok. Fine, I’ll call them low skilled jobs. I’m sure that’s so much better, right? It almost sounds worse, but if that’s what your want…

        • Flying Squid
          17 months ago

          Again, what is your problem with people who have jobs that require less skill than yours? Because the only explanation I can come up with is just snobbery.

          • @Blackhole
            17 months ago

            I have no problem with them at all. What is your problem with having language that provides details about the type of work someone does?