• @mindbleach
    136 months ago

    I mean, species are an idea humans made up. See dogs versus dingos.

    But it turns out words can mean things?

    The problem with idiot bigots is that they’re just making mouth noises. The same jackholes who insist men are men and that’s that will also have ten thousand fears about random activities and affiliations that make them “less of a man.” Pick a lane, fuckwad.

    On the other hand - English has only two sets of gendered pronouns. The third choice is not gendered. You don’t get to substitute a bad Scrabble hand. Nobody gets their own pronouns… because that’s not what pronouns do. Those are just nouns. If it has to be written on a nametag, write your damn name. The parts of speech referring to “yonder rando” are deliberately limited, for cases where you don’t know anything about someone beyond looking at them, and don’t really need to.

    • @starman2112
      6 months ago

      Yonder Rando is my next D&D character

      • @mindbleach
        -16 months ago

        Wow, never heard that one before.

        The best part in this case is having to guess which part you’re performatively sneering over. I’m betting it’s because your mouth noises were called out as innately hypocritical. Oh - no doubt. You are an outright bastard spitting anti-trans hatred in a variety of threads. What a winner. Get out.