Thousands of purveyors of neo-Nazi tunes just had their day ruined by a crew of enterprising Scandinavian anti-fascists.

  • @Ookami38
    -27 months ago

    Oh snap, Nazis all died in ww2? Fuck why didn’t these guys get the memo?

    People died in the war. Some of them were Nazis. But NAZIS themselves did not die. You can’t kill an IDEA by killing people. You kill an idea with better ideas, with kinder words, and with more compassion.

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      Kill all nazis. 🤷

      The amount of nazi sympathizers in this thread is too damn high.

      “we should have a polite chat with them as they work to genocide everyone they don’t like” no thanks.

      • @Ookami38
        07 months ago

        This thread IS full of a bunch of psychopaths, but it’s not the ones advocating for not-violence.

        By all means, if someone’s already getting, or in imminent danger of becoming, violent, do what you have to to stop that. Anything else and you’re a murderous psycho.