• @Meowoem
      07 months ago

      Maybe, we are a lot rarer though and much more complex. The universe has to work much harder to create a thing such as us

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        That’s only relative to our current understanding of the universe. We think we are complex because we don’t know anything more complex. I’d say we aren’t that far away from most creatures on earth.

        • @Meowoem
          07 months ago

          True but we’re by far the most complex and unique thing around here, every flower is beautiful and every being is a new type of fascination to the universe.

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            Viruses don’t know they’re viruses. We aren’t unique. We are just like every other thing. An animal who is concerned with preservation who hasn’t evolved very far beyond the greedy hunter-gatherer.

            And the universe, btw, doesn’t know we exist.

            • @Meowoem
              17 months ago

              That’s where you’re wrong, part of the universe knows you exist, loves you, and is very amused by your opinions - I know because I am that bit of the universe.

              By stating that we’re like every animal you prove that we are not, do you think a snail pities it’s existence or has that intellectual curiosity to question it’s worth and insult the value of its being?

              Humans are fascinating and adorable, especially the grumpy emo ones who use the magnificence of their intellect to construct vast and woeful towers of logic from which to decry their own being.