• ColorcodedResistor
      -716 months ago

      game pass is for forever alphas and betas. but people keep slurping down the shit because “i get to try it before i buy it” when they already are paying a subscription for unfinished games.

      it goes without saying the developers of BG3 think better of their work and themselves than to whore out to shame pass.

      • Ech
        536 months ago

        What are you even talking about? As far as I can tell, the vast majority of the games provided are complete, and also a lot of them a frankly great.

        • ColorcodedResistor
          -446 months ago

          Hey, if you don’t see any issues. more power to you I’m glad you find their service of value. I just find Games as a Service inherently flawed and something the industry has already abused to a crippling degree.

          • Ech
            416 months ago

            Well, for one, Gamepass isn’t GaaS, it’s a subscription service. And most of the games in their collection are also not GaaS games, to be clear. Second, that wasn’t your initial, hyperbolic point, which was that “shame pass” is a ripoff because it only provides incomplete games (which is also not true).

            If you don’t like it, you do you, but don’t make shit up about something just because.

            • ColorcodedResistor
              6 months ago

              i really don’t like it, i didn’t make up shit about it. i made an observation. You clearly see value in GaaS because you are subscribing to the…Service of Game Pass with your subscription.

              What specifically did i make up? and lets not make it a hearsay argument. you see value so you’re going to point to that i don’t see value and im going to point to that. But hey you do you though, and you do, indeed do you, i see that. How long have you been paying for game pass?

              • Ech
                156 months ago

                This has nothing to do with what “value” either of us see in the product. What you said is simply wrong and I’ve already explained why. That you refuse to accept that really just points to your desire to promote misinformation. However, I don’t need to convince you of anything and I’m not going waste my time repeating myself endlessly.

                  • ColorcodedResistor
                    -106 months ago

                    Yeh your hobbies are safe, the big bad monster that was coming to take it all away got defeated. what’s the title of your movie? what do you call yourself? (the main character of course)

                    based af yeh?

                • ColorcodedResistor
                  -96 months ago

                  saying something is simply wrong isn’t proof. its a take, its an opinion. and you’ve been listening to hasan piker and reddit for too long if you all you care about is articles and peer review.

                  • MentalEdge
                    56 months ago

                    He doesn’t need to prove that which is widely know and easily confirmed by anyone who bothers to check, that you’re willfully ignoring that so you can call his correction an opinion, doesn’t work.

                • ColorcodedResistor
                  6 months ago

                  desire to promote misinformation. bruh. this isnt trump 2024 this gaming is a hobby. and it if you cant stand what other people consider of the services you use. thats a you issue

                  have you tried just using those services? you’re here and not there, you paid for that.

                • ColorcodedResistor
                  -106 months ago

                  i don’t find value in the service. j don’t need you to accept that either.

                  you refuse to accept the other take. which is equally true.

                  there is nothing to be right about here. game pass is valuable to you and not me.

                  you keep paying for games you don’t own. ownership is at stake

              • XbSuper
                76 months ago

                Lol just stop man, you’ve lost this argument. Every subsequent comment has only made you look dumber.

                • ColorcodedResistor
                  -86 months ago

                  lost an argument that hasn’t begun no points made and no proof offered.

                  you should try thinking for yourself before regurgitating buzz words you found online

                  just stop man, you’ve lost this argument.

                  see in can type letters into words too.

                • ColorcodedResistor
                  -106 months ago

                  stop what. lost what? this isn’t a competition you nard. you look dumb as rocks standing on the side line casting your mouth breathing comment into the lake. Try and provide productive value to a conversation, not whatever you are doing.

                  what did i lose? game pass? cant miss what i don’t have. good job, say another braindead comment im sure everyone here is delighted to have you with us

                  • XbSuper
                    26 months ago

                    Ooh, 2 replies! I must’ve really pressed a button 😉

              • @starman2112
                56 months ago

                How long have you been paying for game pass?

                My buddy and I split the cost, and have basically since it started six years ago, so we’ve spent a collective ~500 dollars each on it. Lemme do some math to see if it’s been worth it. Add up the current, non-sale price of Nier Automata, Hellblade, Phoenix Point, Project Wingman, Grounded, Solasta, Persona 5, Gears of War 1, 2, and 3, The Talos Principle, Hi-Fi Rush, Sunset Overdrive, Recore, Outriders, The Outer Wilds and The Outer Worlds. There are more, but these add up to well over what we’ve spent on the service. It also saved us $70 when we realized that Starfield wasn’t worth paying money for.

                • ColorcodedResistor
                  -106 months ago

                  spent $500, Non sale launch price for comparison of games, saved $70 on starfield.

                  yeah, i just don’t see why anyone would do that. But you and your buddy do, so hey, have fun.

                  • @starman2112
                    6 months ago

                    Not launch price, current price. Like, if I wanted to play all of these games come January when there won’t be a sale going on. Had we bought all of those games at launch they would be significantly more. I guess if you don’t play a lot of video games it wouldn’t be worth it, but I’m not about to tell someone they wasted their money when they spent $500 expanding their baseball card collection or buying an entry level DSLR or something just because I don’t personally see the appeal.

          • @starman2112
            6 months ago

            Gamepass a service that lets you play games, but GaaS generally refers to stuff like Roblox and Fortnite–individual games that act as a platform to sell you things from. That’s where the flaws are. I’m struggling to see the flaw with GP except for the inherent flaws with paying for a revokable license to download games in the first place. At least GP doesn’t lie about you owning the games that you’re playing like “buying” them from the xbox store does.

            I mean, is Netflix flawed for offering movies as a service? You pay a monthly fee to be able to watch a wide variety of shows and movies, but you don’t own any of it. It’s literally exactly the same thing except for the type of media they offer.

            • ColorcodedResistor
              -96 months ago

              that’s the neat part, i don’t have netflix either. services that exist from content that once was and is obtainable. i don’t see the value in movie, video game, or tv subscriptions,

              • @starman2112
                6 months ago

                The value is that you get to experience more stuff for less money. There’s literally a dollar amount of value there. I paid $500 to play X number of games instead of $>500 to play X number of games. If you don’t consume any media at all, then obviously it isn’t worth it, but don’t act like it isn’t worth it to people who do consume any kind of media at all. Not all of us spend our days looking at trees or replaying the same Mario game or whatever you do for fun.

        • ColorcodedResistor
          -136 months ago

          Describing it as a “sensitive question,” Vincke pointed out that Larian Studios is in the business of “making a game that has a beginning, middle, and an end.” He also touted Baldur’s Gate 3’s lack of microtransactions, which has been praised in some quarters.

          Yeh its not sensitive question people are beating around the bush. Good Games dont belong in the trash bin of game pass. BG3 is not for game pass. Why. Do. You. Think. That. They Wont Go To glorious Game Pass? ill tell you. Integrity and its a full game. it has no place in the dumpster with halo infinity