• prole
    217 months ago

    Yeah, I’m not going to disagree with the condemnation of the terrorist attack. That said, Israel has been, objectively, committing war crimes for decades now unpunished.

    Two wrongs don’t make a right, not justifying just explaining, and all that.

    • rivermonster
      7 months ago

      Before Oct. all the apartheid collective punishment was absolutely war crimes, and I’d love to see Bibi and many Likud members at the ICC for their crimes. They can still argue that Gaza was an operational location for Hamas, but I think and hope they’d lose that argument.

      But after October… Hamas officially made Gaza a theater of war and any target they co-locate in loses legal protections. And when I see 57% resident support for Hamas there (their elected governement), I steuggle and mostly feel awful for the 43% who don’t support them.

      I am with you that two wrongs don’t make a right. Or in this region’s case, an endless cycle of thousands of years of violence don’t make a right.

      But I also believe strongly that Israel has a right to defend itself. The current mess is Hamas’s design. I don’t know what people want Israel to do, take the terrorist attack that killed 1200+… just take it on the chin and go “oh well”? When any honest person knows no nation on earth would do that.

      Take my upvote, a rare one on the worldnews group.

      • @[email protected]
        97 months ago

        Fully agree Israel has a right to defend itself but what it seems to be doing now is more akin to invasive eradication than defense. They are on the offensive. Why does 1.2K dead in Israel justify 18K dead, hospitals targeted and destroyed, and a forced emigration of citizens in Gaza?

        If a terrorist organization ruled the US I’m sure more than half the country would vote in support either out of blind nationalism or fear. Putin’s got >90% support, eh? I don’t think it’s fair to say any recent election in Gaza is unbiased. It would also seem not so unreasonable that to the people of Gaza, Hamas looks more friendly than Israel recently.

        • rivermonster
          -87 months ago

          Because when Hamas co-locates out of them they lose protected status.

          If Hamas looks friendly to you, I desperately urge you to research some history outside of your bubble. I’m floored.

        • rivermonster
          7 months ago

          I don’t see a difference between Bibi and his partner Hamas. Never have. And I hate Likud.

          • prole
            17 months ago

            The main difference is the power dynamic. One of those groups has all of the power, including the backing of the US military, while the other is a reaction to oppression.

            Only one of those two parties has the power to end all of this right now.

      • prole
        7 months ago

        Take my upvote, a rare one on the worldnews group.

        After reading past your first paragraph, I’m not sure I want it from you.

        Hamas is a reaction to the mess, not its “designer.”

          • prole
            27 months ago

            Yes, terrorism is one potential reaction/outcome of brutal occupation and oppression. There is a difference between explaining something and condoning it.