I mean the one you do when you want something easy to do, but not when you’re tired at the point you microwave a frozen-meal, or just cut down a piece of cheese and put it in a bread

  • fruitycoder
    1 year ago

    Leftovers. Honestly, I cook like two times a week. Throw most of it in the fridge, some of it in the freezer, and grab a collection of whatever and microwave, air fry, or convention oven it. Even better is if the “cooking” is smoking or crock pot. You know, throw it in, check every few hours, kind of deals.

    Otherwise, I’ll just eat ingredients and pretend it’s a charcuterie.

    The other is sandwiches and eggs. Make bacon, use bread or eggs to clean up grease, throw some meat or cheese on it, season with bull shit (whatever premixed seasoning sounds good). I like mayo and balsamic on my sandwiches too. That’s my easier than eating out and actually worth eating stuff.