• @kboy101222
    67 months ago

    I’ve been reading through the Wheel of Time books. They’re low-medium magic fantasy (the people who can use magic are VERY powerful but rare). I’m on book 3 and loving it! It’s a big commitment (14 very long books and a prequel), but very good!

    • @[email protected]
      46 months ago

      I’ve read all of the WOT books twice now (but multiple attempts…) And while they hold a special place in my heart and are instrumental in helping shape the modern epic fantasy scene, I’m kinda iffy of recommending them to people, especially those just getting into the genre. Be interested to hear your (and others!) thoughts on this as you get deeper into the series.

      • @kboy101222
        16 months ago

        Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t recommend them to anyone new into fantasy. I’ve been craving a dense world to dive into, so WoT was perfect (and I picked up the entire collection for like $60)

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      Couldn’t make it through the second one. It had some interesting parts and a cool world but the actual characters are insufferable. And so much travelling…

      • @kboy101222
        6 months ago

        That’s fair. I’ve been getting through them slowly. It’s definitely picked up a lot in the third book (and started focusing on Perrin more, which is great cause he’s me favorite character)

        Book 2 took me longer than book one to get through cause, as you said, it’s a lot of traveling. Book 3 has a lot of travelling too (as does the whole series to my understanding), but I’m enjoying the character development as well as >!the girls time at Tar Valen!<.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      I made it to book six then had to wait for seven to be published, read it immediately, then drited away from the series by the time eight came out. I was stunned to learn it had gotten to 14 books when the TV show aired. It’s not even done and the original writer is about to die (or already dead?) so Brandon Sanderson taking over? Man crazy!

      • @kboy101222
        16 months ago

        The series is done, but Robert Jordan passed away before he could finish the last 3 books, so Brandon Sanderson finished them.