• De Lancre
    377 months ago

    I just cannot remotely afford it

    Let be honest, prices is kinda insane there. Imagine someone, who deliberately would tell “oh, $200 for a silicon toy that I will not use more then one time or even probably never, that I wanna buy just for pure esthetic purpose. What a steal!”.

    • StametsOP
      7 months ago

      Use one time? Please. I want to ride that thing so much it develops sentience just to escape from me. If I had the money I’d buy it in a fucking heartbeat and have zero regrets. Alas I have already purchased my Christmas gifts for me and even if I saved all that money it wouldn’t add up to one of those dildos. I am what is known as extremely fucking poor.

      • @[email protected]
        447 months ago

        INB4 !Risa organizes a fundraiser to gift @Stamets a giant dildo in appreciation for all the memes.

          • Jo Miran
            257 months ago

            I’ll throw in $5 towards your giant unicorn schlong. Tis the season and all.

                  • StametsOP
                    47 months ago

                    Oh god… can you fucking imagine? “Why is the meme man talking about dildos? I’m scared”

                • Dojan
                  27 months ago

                  Oh! Well if you do end up making a fundraiser count me in. We’re gonna get you fucked! :)

                  • StametsOP
                    27 months ago

                    Ah if only. Alas I am bad with gifts and a mess anyway lol

      • @[email protected]
        257 months ago

        I want to ride that thing so much it develops sentience just to escape from me.

        OP is the real entertainment of this post

      • Lem Jukes
        177 months ago

        I feel like I learned so much about you today Stamets…

    • SuperDuper
      207 months ago

      Over $100 is pretty normal for a high quality silicone toy. BD toys are often somewhat large and have many options such as firmness and color available upon request. They could probably get away with selling their $200 products for closer to $150 and still make a profit, but they’ve established themselves as the top dog (pun somewhat intended) of a very niche market and can get away with charging a premium.

      And I think the vast majority of folks who purchase from them have every intention of using their products way more than once.

    • @ted
      77 months ago

      $200 isn’t bad for something bespoke and handmade. A good dildo of similar quality that’s mass produced is $50, not to mention that Bad Dragon usually has unique coloring and can be made huge.

      • De Lancre
        77 months ago

        Let be honest, not everyone lives in USA\Canada. From where I’m from, average salary about ~500 euro and a good toy costs a lot less. So, paying 180 from your month income just for dildo is kinda too much for average person in Balkans part of Europe, Russia (well, delivering not working for them anyway, cause they cosplaying nazi Germany), most of Asia (except China, Japan and some other countries) and maybe Africa, but we not talking about them there. Not to mention, that just what I remember (too lazy to google average salary for every part of world) and I have one friend from USA, that also struggles to get decent income to afford at least food, so yea, even statistics can be controversial on those. Don’t know how situation in Australia tho, but those guys have spiders, they don’t need dragon toys. My point is, that $200 for a toy is too much. That a luxury item at this point, like a premium car or maxed out macbook. That a bit weird, but it is what it is I guess.

        • @[email protected]
          57 months ago

          A maxed out macbook costs about 17 times more than that toy, and a premium car is no less than 150 times the cost. You are way, way off on your comparisons.

          That being said, these dildos ARE luxury items. These are custom made to order dildos and get freakishly big, they are NOT your average sex toy, and the price reflects that. People aren’t paying $200 for just any dildo, they’re paying $200 for a Bad Dragon dildo.

        • @ted
          26 months ago

          I agree with you (that they are a luxury purchase), but the point I was trying to get across is that they are worth their cost (in silicone + labor), unlike the items you pointed out which come with famously generous margins.

      • Dojan
        47 months ago

        They’re a bit up there in terms of pricing, but they’re good quality. Last I checked them out, Masterwork Toys on Etsy had better prices, but quality is comparable. Aesthetically I much prefer the one I have from them, it’s just a bit large. They’ve since introduced sizing options though!

        If you’re in the EU you’ll also face import costs though. A $300 order from Bad Dragon can easily become a $500 with import fees. Speaking from experience.