Transfem folk tuck with tape to achieve a smooth groin area, transmasc folk use tape to achieve a flat chest.
Duct tape is seriously the wrong tool and can cause serious damage. “Trans tape” or “KT tape” are the right thing to use.
Transfem folk tuck with tape to achieve a smooth groin area, transmasc folk use tape to achieve a flat chest.
Duct tape is seriously the wrong tool and can cause serious damage. “Trans tape” or “KT tape” are the right thing to use.
Stools are a great solution!
The bathroom thing just illustrates that we don’t accommodate kids in our society. There are probably more kids in the population who could use low sinks than you see because our public spaces are so hostile to them.
It’s more common in Europe (e.g. Sweden) for folks to bring their kids everywhere, and the physicality of those locations accommodates them because they are more present.
The bathroom argument that you made is akin to saying that folks shouldn’t feel entitled to bike lines / safe sidewalks because our cities were designed for cars and sidewalks and bike lanes are expensive for a tiny percent of the moving population.
This isn’t bad, it’s poor taste but great execution.
“my investments” -TSLA bagholder
I bought femme clothes from thrift stores. It’s cheap, I could swap out equivalent masc clothes that I didn’t anticipate needing. It got easier over time as a sense of style developed. I’m 3.5 months HRT and 90% of my clothing was purchased pre-HRT, no significant size changes yet. Exception: Bras were mainly purchased after.
For makeup, even in boy mode a little foundation and blush made me feel cuter. The key with makeup is subtlety. And a lot of foundation to hide shadow, if that’s a concern.
Finally, a skin care routine did wonders for me, especially once HRT began. I use CeraVe cleanser, moisturizer, and a Neutrogena retinol cream between them every other day at night, plus a Neutrogena sunscreen in the morning. It had super noticeable softening effects on my face within two weeks.
What helps me is: you can experiment with all this stuff without necessarily taking it out of your bedroom if you don’t want to. You can wash off the makeup. Or you might feel great and go out.
Good luck!
Love this album. I have it on vinyl and put it on display sometimes.
My first slept like this a lot. Lots of folks like you stopped and commented to tell me that it looked dangerous. Thanks for your concern but it’s just the way the baby cookie crumbles, sometimes.
NDP and Liberals are not the same party. They are as different as Liberal and PC. Referring to them as spoiler candidates is slightly disingenuous because it implies we have a two-party system, which we don’t.
I fully place the blame here on FPTP and I would not at all discourage anyone from running for office because of vote splitting.
Glad it was helpful. I also switch between the systems depending on what I need.
koreader has good support for PDFs and runs on my Kobo devices better than the native reader.
Maybe I’m just terminally online, but I’ve seen lots of people boast that they’ve “never gotten intoxicated” and view this as some sort of moral boon. It just reads as fear to me. Not that I’d force them to get high, but don’t knock it if ya haven’t tried it.
The anger I could work around, but saying “I can’t control it” shows a lack of introspection that would be an instant giant red flag to run away, fast and far. Good luck, friend. We all deserve love.
Sometimes the point of alcohol is just to get a little bit drunk.
Similarly, asking anyone to defend their position on why sobriety is superior will eventually have them sound like they are insecure and judgemental.
Was in line for shawarma. The guy in front of me was getting “sir” this, “sir” that from the cashier. I braced for my turn. To my joy, I received absolutely no gendered honorifics.
Ah, that makes more sense than “farting during holy month”
I guess all that pandering the NYT did didn’t pay off for them, fuckers.
The banal bunch
Literal garbage until 2024? What are you on about?