🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

TLDR - First few sentences

Christian Science does not agree with the theory that morals grow out of people’s behavior. It stands firmly on the ground that morals for mankind are derived from the divine Mind, God, and that they are therefore ageless. Morally right behavior pertaining to sex was revealed by Moses.

      • @[email protected]
        246 months ago

        Padre Pio was one of the biggest scammer southern Italy was ever plagued by and he did more damages to this land than any of the mafia family living there has ever done.

        I’m glad he died the horrible way he did and I hope he is now rotting in a metaphorical hell where he belong.

        Source: I’m an Italian who has seen the mental and social damages caused by this fucker

          • @[email protected]
            86 months ago

            He died of an heart attack at 81 years old, just like a normal man would do. No golden carriage descending from the heavens to collect his body nor no resurrection three days after his death.

            A con man dying like a normal human after a life of lies and peddled “miracles” to poor, uneducated people.

            Press S to spit on his grave

              • @[email protected]
                46 months ago


                Until proven contrary it’s not me who has decided to submit his will and reason to the tenets of a religion which doesn’t even consider treating men and women as equals.

                A little projection about the bondage bit? Or a repressed sexual arousal around ropes and chains? Only you can tell us

                  • SatansMaggotyCumFart
                    56 months ago

                    There is no hate like christian love.

                    The bible says not to judge yet you’re judging Fabio and LGBTQ.

                    “1 Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

                  • @[email protected]
                    46 months ago

                    No hate from me dude, it’s you who is hating homosexual people because they love who they love, without choosing it and without any fault of their own. You really are a full-time projector, uhu? Never thought about working into cinemas? XD XD XD

        • @[email protected]
          36 months ago

          youre literally arguing with a flat earther, check their username and post history. you arent going to reason someone out of a position they didnt reason themselves into.

          dudes just detached from reality.

          • @[email protected]
            16 months ago

            I know but still sometimes I cannot let go and I have to follow for a couple of days these kind of people just to remind them they are no longer in touch with this world, hoping that this will prevent them by spreading their nonsensical reasoning in real life by giving them a good dose of preemptive shame.

            A long shot, I know, but a man has to indulge in some vices from time to time ;)

            Have a great holiday season my dude <3

          • @[email protected]
            6 months ago

            Lmao, your ignorance about this subject shows immediately.

            Padre Pio was considered a scammer by the Catholic church itself and was also found to be a fraud when visited by the doctors sent by the pope to determine if the scars he showed to his followers were of divine origin. When analysed the doctors found that they were most likely self inflicted wounds (there’s also the testimony of a pharmacist who sold this con man some carbolic acid) and that he was putting forward a show for his followers, so much so that he was denied the right to celebrate mass for his schemes. It was John Paul the 2nd who canonized him in 2002 because he realized that if he wanted the support of the gullible people in southern Italy he would have needed to give them something in return; and so he did, by making him a saint against the better judgment of Benedict the 15th and of Pio the 11th, the popes who lived during his times and who barred him from celebrating mass.

            I’d love to give you some references to educate you but unfortunately most of the material is in Italian language and your ignorance prevents you from accessing it.

            Padre Pio did not invent the microscope but he was able to create a cult worshipping his image in lieu of god, a sin which should be very grave according to the Christian faith tenets

              • @[email protected]
                56 months ago


                Is cathopedia catholic enough for you?

                You are as ignorant as adamant in your ignorance so I don’t think this will make any difference for your bigoted mindset but still it’s funny to see you squirm while trying to justify your position.

                I used the popes version of the story just because they should be considered the highest authority by people like you. If they did decide something that should be the law for all Catholics or are you suggesting you have more authority than the popes who lived during padre Pio’s time?

                Catholics do worship images, have you ever heard of so called “holy cards”? Italy is full of it and in Pietrelcina there’s a very profitable business running around them.

                When something miraculous begins, it has to be investigated.

                Three lines under this statement

                He lived in a monastery. You don’t need a doctor to declare it was a fraud if it was really a fraud.

                You really can’t make any sense, do you?

                  • @[email protected]
                    46 months ago


                    Just 12 euros for a set of “santini” with dedicated prayers on the back! Hurry up, stock is low and gullible people are abound!

                    He refused to be visited by a doctor designated by the sant’Uffizio because he knew he would have been found a con. He was reinstated by people living well beyond his time and unable to corroborate or contradict his statements so it bear no weight in defining whether his wounds were of divine origin or not.

                    When exumed from his tomb his body presented the normal state of decay a cadaver should be at after 40 years.

                    He was a con man who had the luck to be born when the catholic church needed a con man to recover a bit of the influence it was losing due to people better education and he was used by the church itself exactly for this scope.

                    The same goes for the three poor children who were taken advantage of by the church with their story about Mary appearance. So far all the profecies related to their tale have been proven unfounded, will there ever be a time when Christians will wake up from their fever dreams and start acting as normal humans in social environments? Only time will tell

              • @[email protected]
                46 months ago

                Look at the mental damage religion has done to you. You believe “your source” over empirical evidence?

                How weak.

                  • @[email protected]
                    46 months ago

                    Oh yeah and yesterday evening I have had a great sex encounter with both Mary Magdalene and Eve. They did very nice things to my cock and I did enjoy every minute with them.

                    Don’t believe me? It was a miracle, I don’t have to provide you with any proof and you cannot argue it didn’t happen

      • @[email protected]
        96 months ago

        No thanks, I’m not going to sit around waiting for some “miracle” to change something I actually quite love about myself.

          • @[email protected]
            106 months ago

            You will grow old and need another’s help.

            And what business is it of yours if that other is the same gender as me?

              • @[email protected]
                6 months ago

                I moved on to another topic.

                It sounded like you were talking about the same thing to me. Besides, why is that relevant? Moving on to another topic doesn’t mean you don’t have to answer questions about the previous one.

                Rebellious question.

                Is that an insult where you come from? Because it’s a compliment around here. You’re a stranger on the internet, not my dad. Why should I look up to you?

                Besides, even if you were my dad, I was raised to question my parents and make my own decisions once I was old enough to understand. We ask questions to arrive at the truth, not to more accurately ascertain the will of whoever has the most authority.

          • @[email protected]
            96 months ago

            I’ll take the change for judgement - getting fucked in the ass by something else then the government feels great

          • @[email protected]
            46 months ago

            The fatal combination of unintelligent, condescending, and bigoted.

            If heaven was real, you wouldn’t be going there.