Reichsbürger movement aims to establish parallel societies by infiltrating schools, clubs and public offices

  • CoffeeAddict
    26 months ago

    Damn, this sounds like a cult lol.

    I just don’t understand how people fall for this stuff smh.

    • @Syntha
      26 months ago

      Most of them seem to have some kind of grievance with the state or other issues which make it advantageous to them to deny its legitimacy.

      Like lost custody battles or lots of debt.

    • flipht
      26 months ago

      They fall for it because our entire society is set up to be transactional, so when someone pops up and offers to sell you salvation or enlightenment, it sounds remarkably similar to any normal for profit company’s advertising.

      • ElleChaise
        26 months ago

        I’ll coach you on how not to become a victim of this form of manipulation for the low cost of $19.99.