Japan prepares regulation requiring Apple to allow sideloading::As the Digital Markets Act antitrust law passed in the European Union, Apple has until March 2024 to let users…

  • mindbleach
    9 months ago

    Congratulations! Your stupid analogy is not a stupid car analogy. Still nonsense, but not the tritest possible nonsense.

    This is a practical matter. Dismissing the demand for your devices to fucking work does not make that necessity any less practical. People are either left without what they need - or forced to switch platforms.

    The fact they can switch platforms is still no excuse. And Google almost ruined it anyway, for pure naked greed. Would that impact your argument in the slightest? Or is waggling your hand in Android’s direction just a convenient way to dodge the point?

    People’s expectations are not at issue. It’s what people want. And for sixteen fucking years, iOS users have wanted control. They’ve had it sometimes - Apple stole it back from them. Apple made it so unobtainable that people called it “jailbreaking,” and then Apple made it even less obtainable. This is an active abuse committed against people who just want their science-fiction wireless pocket gizmo to do what they fucking tell it to. The reasons are pure greed behind clumsy facades.

    Apple takes a third of all money spent through every iPhone. If you spent money in an app, on anything, Apple took an entire third. Their power is so blunt and their fear is so strict that when Facebook tried just telling people about this, Apple demanded they censor their website, and Facebook caved.

    But it’s just imaginary dogs and philosophy, so pbbbt.

    • Chakravanti
      9 months ago

      This guy is correct about a few things…partially…for all the wrong reasons and the wrong vision and understanding to boot. I’m not talking to him cuz IDGAF about him one bit. I can’t fix xucking stupid.

      I mean to address your misunderstanding of ownership. Technically you’re right. In that the object is in your possession and right to do as you will with, if you can. It is NOT, however, your computer unless you’re executing strictly FOSS and FOSH to boot. Even the latter is shy a hair inside the Librem 5 which so still suffering proper development and gorramn expensive. With zero financial support in its acquisition.

      I’ve got a CalyxOS on a P4XL and strict enough to use PW only and just occasionally give my Librem 5 a go just to see it’s functionality but gotta say, I expect nothing despite having zero regret investing it before it’s production.

      Go FOSS or go to hell, literally. Disregard all religious references. This planet will become hell in very little time unless we use FOSS to take control of every fucking digital thing. Period.

      • mindbleach
        9 months ago

        ‘You don’t get it, you need the control you’re demanding.’

        Are you familiar with the term, violent agreement?

        • Chakravanti
          9 months ago

          We might be such but he ain’t. He has no personal disposition against the theocracy of closed source software antipologetics. He simply lacks respect to anyone who isn’t a gorramn xucking nerd.

          • mindbleach
            9 months ago

            Getting jackasses to recognize “you own your computer,” on a purely physical level, is step one.

            Even Stallman didn’t start railing against closed source until he got sassed by a printer.