If so what kind of information does it provide?

  • @Kecessa
    6 months ago


    Possibly? There’s conflicting info, it seems some model do, some don’t and even models that are supposed to have it might not 🤔

    edit: Forgot to mention, Tesla constantly updating hardware like it was software will end up biting owners in the ass as things break and there’s no easy way to know what their car needs compared to what looks like the same car built 6 months later. There’s a reason why legacy manufacturers work in generations.

    OBDII hasn’t been used for emission equipment exclusively from the beginning, it’s the USB of the car world, so it’s used for pulling info from all sensors and from the different computers and can be used to reprogram the car, so legacy manufacturers for sure use it in their EVs…

      • @[email protected]
        116 months ago

        I’ve been seeing legacy appended to a lot of things and it always annoys me. The one that annoys me the most is “Legacy News/Media”; as if the future of news is random blog or twitter posts.

        • osaerisxero
          16 months ago

          Considering how many of those orgs have chosen to stop doing journalism and how random blog posts seem to be picking up that slack, it seems more accurate than any of us might care to admit.

      • @marine_mustang
        56 months ago

        Not Tesla specifically, but anytime I look at the included navigation of a “legacy” manufacturer I am immediately reminded of the difference. Thank god my Chevy has CarPlay (that I didn’t have to pay extra for).

        • @[email protected]
          56 months ago

          Yeah, I don’t see myself buying a car that doesn’t have Android Auto. Good.luck with that, GM.

      • @Kecessa
        16 months ago

        But you still knew exactly what brands I was talking about when I used the term.

        Yes Tesla is entirely new and different as they’ve never built an ICE car to then switch to making EVs.

      • @OnlyTakesLs
        -16 months ago

        Tesla uses a different mindset. They act like a tech company making software. Legacy manufacturers act like car companies making cars.