Also, the green glow isn’t from radioactive decay, it’s the uranium fluorescing under the UV light stationed just out of frame.
Also, the green glow isn’t from radioactive decay, it’s the uranium fluorescing under the UV light stationed just out of frame.
Outside his mom’s house.
If anyone has information that could lead the the arrest of this suspect, then I have $10,001 that says no, they don’t.
It’s only Class War when we fight back.
“As many as” 20% so, less than 20%? So it’s more than 80% effective?
Jesus. What a monster.
Kinda want to see them to try and fail. I think proof of Russian nuclear deterrence impotency would be game-changing.
Time to go brush up on those 3C scenarios…
Discord? Huh, my first thought was WarThunder.
You’re right, completely glossed over his 3-day golf weekends.
On June 26, 2014, in a 9–0 ruling, the United States Supreme Court validated this practice of using pro forma sessions to block the president from using the recess appointment authority
Can’t do recess appointments if the senate is never in recess. When was the last recess appointment made? 2012, and it was ruled invalid.
This makes no sense anyway. The Senate will be Republican-controlled by four votes before he takes office. So he’s worried about Republicans blocking his nominees? Or is he asking for an ally that’ll put the Senate into recess immediately so he can recess appoint hundreds of people? I doubt even his staunchest allies will be willing to publicly neuter themselves so much.
I expect he’ll do what he spent his last term doing; spend half the day watching Fox News and rage-tweeting, go downstairs for some photo-ops and sign whatever his staff puts in front of him, get whatever it was challenged and (sometimes) blocked in court, and then, if he’s feeling insufficient attention, make a bunch of pronouncements that’ll catch everyone by surprise and then never follow up on it.
You mean the sham of a conference hosted by and chaired by petrostate sponsors? The conference specifically designed to facilitate fossil fuel expansion deals? That conference?
That’s my field. Yeah, it can be hard to get your foot in the door, but once you’re in, you’re in. The nice thing is that all the info and experience you need is freely available. Want to show off malware analysis skills? Download a sample, tear it apart, write up your thoughts, and post it in a blog. Link to it in your resume. I’m a hiring manager, and I read those. Is network analysis more your thing? Know what we need? People who know what the three major cloud providers’ security logs look like and know when something actually bad is happening, because the default alerts are pretty useless. Same for O365 logs. Sometimes, I feel like our userbase wants to get their accounts compromised.
Perception isn’t reality, but it’s just as important. You have to do great things for the working class, and then tell them, with examples, both how you helped and how the Republicans would have screwed them. Repeatedly. No room for kid gloves.
Seriously, corporations, it’s a free pass! “Sorry, we can’t release any customer information without a court order due to the legal liability if we were to release the information to a an unknown party acting fraudulently.”
Although, I have to ask (although I’m pretty sure of the answer); are some companies just giving up whatever information is requested to anyone with a .gov address? What if its spoofed, or typosquatted?
Yep, they see the writing on the wall. I wonder if they’ll wait until after inauguration to start allowing Israeli settlers to build towns and beachfront property, or just do it now?
Also does not include amounts. It’s easy to cause a spike in results when there aren’t many to begin with.
Better not be. He’s 100% a corporate suit.
No, because there’s still no significant human-to-human spread. All human cases got it from exposure to birds or drinking raw milk from infected cows. I won’t worry about it until it mutates into something humans can spread easily to each other.