Immediately after taking office, the 47th president signed an executive order decreeing that it’s now the “policy of the United States to recognize two sexes, male and female.” Trump has also signed executive orders blocking people under the age of 19 from access to gender-affirming care, banning trans women from competing in women’s sports, and forbidding trans people from serving in the military.
Several of these actions, among others, are under some level of federal review. But as judges weigh the legality and scientific accuracy of the orders, the message is loud and clear: the Trump White House thinks there’s something wrong with trans people, and will do anything possible to make their lives more difficult.
All to say, it feels very unlikely that the current president’s vision for Trump Gaza would include provocatively dancing seaside xaddies rocking long beards and midriff-revealing bikinis and skirts.
But here we are, and to that end, the dancing figures’ inclusion in the promotional video raises unfortunate questions.
It’s a mentally ill fascist death cult, firmly rooted in Christian evangelism. He can’t do anything to diminish the support of the brainwashed base.
Christian evangelism
It seems their plan is to commit so much evil that it provokes God into action to bring on the apocalypse
It’s seems the powers that be know that climate change can serve as a wrath of God-like scapegoat and they’re all but accelerating a push to move most trade to be controlled by US/Russia (+ Greenland + Canada) via the arctic sea, and choke any ability for countries to trade any other way by co trolling the Panama canal.
I am not an expert, I am an armchair nobody. Am I crazy or is this just plain as fucking day?
It’s plain as fucking day. I’m also a nobody. But anyone who reads a lot and pays attention for last decade or two can see where this is going.
I remember getting downvoted to oblivion on Reddit nearly a decade ago telling people to look at the globe from the top instead of toward the equator to figure out why Trump wants Greenland. Because he’s a Russian asset.
It wasn’t rocket science then, and it’s clear as day now.
Not quite exactly like that, but the evangelicals only support the Zionist Jews in Israel (and encouraging Jews worldwide to make Aaliyah and settle there) because when Israel is fully controlled by Jews then Jesus returns and the rapture begins and all the Jews will go to hell and the Christians will be saved.
That’s literally their belief. That’s why there’s Nazis seemingly supporting Jews. It’s not genuine support they’re just using them to make their crackpot religious beliefs come to fruition based on prophecies.
Wait, wasn’t that the plot in Final Fantasy XIII?
Sad that Christians have decided to side with evil.
Sad and completely fucking predictable
It’s in the fucking Bible that they will side with the anti Christ lol
Because all Christians are evangelical Trump supporters?
Christianity it a pretty diverse group
It’s because of the Christian support that the GOP is targeting abortion and lgbtq rights.
Not all Christians are on the far right. There are plenty of caring views and plenty of Christians who are completely liberal.
Agreed. I’m not saying all are going against their own tenets, but it’s the broad support from the group as a whole that’s empowering these bigoted policies coming from the GOP.
Wow, Trump’s Gaza is more inclusive than Trump’s America
Morbid yet true
At first I thought uh stupid ai bearded belly dancers … I don’t think this is an accident. look at the three images, I put myself in Palestinian shoes for a second :. We’re gonna eat your lunch - Hamas are ladyboyss- your women will be whores.
Shooting insults in the wind is probably aimed at over shadowing this documentary:
TBH if we entertain that this is on purpose I came up with a similar theory myself (ofc I don’t know what was the removed shit you wrote about, so I disclaim I am not necessarily subscribe to your theory). There is an alt-right angle that says “libs are idiots to support Palestine, because Muslims hate trans people”. In a sick variant of this trope, Trump might just want to trigger Muslim people with transness. Still, his christo-nationalist supporters are no less medievalist that the Islamic State itself, so it would be still brainrot all the way down. But fascism is inherently inconsistent and self-contradictory, yet still, what the fuck?
Removed was "f a g g ot " it seem to be a forbidden word. Changed it to ladyboy. I tried to use the word that I thought the video maker would use.
Brand new sentence
It’s 2015, Obama has been President for 7 years, things appear to be on the up-and-up with technology, gay marriage was just approved nationwide. If you told me 10 years later we would have devolved to…this…I would never have believed you.
How am I to read “xaddies”? Is this a gender-neutral “daddies”? A gen-z “baddies”?
I read it as, “That’s enough internet today I should go outside and let the woods embrace me”.
Even AI knows queerness is hotter, it’s a fact.
I believe the AI is trolling Musk. Whoever thought that this would be how general intelligence first presented