• @porkins
    16 months ago

    Well. If no one can claim land permanently, then it all becomes a negotiation of words and actions regarding who gets to live where. The people in Palestinian Territories are beholden to those that let them have their independence. They abused those freedoms granted to them. If they did not like settlers in their territory, then they should have treated the situation diplomatically instead of murdering and raping like savages. Hamas should surrender instead of hiding behind civilians.

    • acargitz
      6 months ago

      The people in Palestinian Territories are beholden to those that let them have their independence. They abused those freedoms granted to them. If they did not like settlers in their territory, then they should have treated the situation diplomatically instead of murdering and raping like savages.

      This kind of ludicrous framing is textbook racism. It also happens to be exactly the framing the Israeli right and far right seem to be peddling these days. This is cancer to everything that was sensible in Zionism and I weep for the future of the Israeli people if they keep going down this path.

      This discussion is over.