Mine is OOO for Out Of Office. I always misread it in my head like a ghost and it takes me a few seconds to process. It also doesn’t translate to speech—you have to say the whole thing.

Interested to see if others have similar acronyms they beef with.

  • @xmunk
    76 months ago

    I hate LFG because gamers can’t agree on how to spell it or what it means… Sometimes it’s spelled LFP, LFF or LFM… And sometimes it means “Looking for Guild”.

    • promitheas
      76 months ago

      Isnt LFM looking for member? Like if you have part of a group already together and just need a healer lets say. I’d say its different than LFG which in my mind is a player looking for a group

      • @xmunk
        36 months ago

        It does sometimes mean that though it’s more common to see it as just trying to assemble a group. If you’re looking for more you’ll usually use something like LF1M, LF2M etc…

        • Norgur
          36 months ago

          That’s not the experience I have. People will be scolded in chat for using LFM when they have no party already.

      • @merc
        16 months ago

        LFM is more often “looking for more”.

        If it’s looking for one specific member, that’s normally specific: LF1M, etc.

      • @xmunk
        16 months ago

        Woot woot woot dot example dot come on man.

      • Skua
        16 months ago

        LFG is common enough in online TTRPG spaces, although there it means looking for game instead of guild which I suppose rather proves the above point

        • @xmunk
          36 months ago

          LFF, as an example was popular in LOTRO were groups were flavored as fellowships in game.