• StametsOP
      6 months ago

      Literally no.

      That user is otherwise known as DroneRights. You can check modlogs and see that they’ve had accounts on every major instance and every account has been banned for transphobia, general bigotry, slander, and copious amounts of lying. They particularly hate me because I am both a popular poster as well as someone who specifically called out their shit and got them banned from Startrek.website. They openly admit that they have narcissistic personality disorder and are using that to both abuse other people as well as shield themselves from abuse. They are literally incapable of coping with the fact that someone has pointed out that they are a trash person and has made it their sole mission to try and slander me at every possible case.

      I banned them from 3 communities earlier today for making these exact same claims about me and providing zero evidence but these comments still exist elsewhere.

      Honestly I just keep forgetting they exist. I think they’re drastically overselling how important they think they are. Only reason I’m even aware of their existence is because they just keep copy/pasting the same argument over and over again. Literally not creative enough to come up with anything new.

      • “Narcissist” is not a slur. Additionally, he’s calling you out for your bad behaviour and online harassment, not “because you have NPD”.

        If you have a mental disorder that prevents you from behaving nicely online, it may be wiser not to comment. Because people won’t see your NPD as an excuse, but as a justification showing that you do demonstrate bad behaviour and therefore are prone to breaking the (social) rules. Ergo justifying the ban.

      • @[email protected]
        206 months ago

        “Narcissist is a slur!” -cried the Narcissist

        I’ve done the digging I need to to confirm to my satisfaction that you’ve at least 3 alts, all of which defend you, use it/its pronouns, and all of which claim to be the originating victim.

        Stop lying, log off

        • StametsOP
          116 months ago

          Wish I could say I hated them or even pitied them but frankly I don’t even think about them at all. The fact that they think about me non-stop is pretty gratifying though I guess.