Moving beyond efforts to block expansion of health care for the poor and disabled, Republican governors in 15 states are now rejecting a new, federally funded summer program to give food assistance to hungry children.

The program is expected to serve 21 million youngsters starting around June, providing $2.5 billion in relief across the country.

  • @[email protected]
    36 months ago

    Greg over in printshop made a sign and everything. It says “Don’t worry, I don’t eat people! Keep hands and loose clothing away at all times.”

    Greg better have paid for that himself or he’s getting fired for misuse of company resources.

    • @[email protected]
      66 months ago

      It’s ok, he did it when nobody was watching using Tom’s print code, and Tom quit last week ago so he’s covered.

      • @[email protected]
        16 months ago

        Yeah, fuck Tom! Dude slept with my wife and never called her back and she’s beginning to think he didn’t mean it when he said he liked her. No one sleeps with my wife and doesn’t call her back! No one…