Prosecutors will seek the death penalty for the white supremacist who killed 10 Black people at a Buffalo supermarket.

  • @starman2112
    25 months ago

    As a poor, I would rather let him rot in prison and have that money go to making my life materially easier to live

    • @[email protected]
      -35 months ago

      As I said, there is a zero percent chance of that happening. Death penalty spending is hardly the obstacle to ending poverty, providing health care, investing in infrastructure, or anything else.

      And he’ll hardly be rotting. He’ll be getting food, shelter, and healthcare. I’m not saying prison is fun, but they are not just throwing away the key.

      • @starman2112
        5 months ago

        Okay, lemme change my position then

        As someone who has moral principles, I would rather the process by which he can be executed by the state not exist, because any law that the state can use to rightfully kill a guilty person can be abused to wrongfully kill an innocent. The state can never be truly 100% certain of the defendant’s guilt, and so there can never be a 100% guarantee that only guilty people are executed.

        • @[email protected]
          -15 months ago

          This guy is 100%, no doubt, guilty as hell. Put us safeguards, but at some point, you have to do more.

          • @starman2112
            5 months ago

            That’s exactly what they said about Cameron Todd Willingham. Professional firefighters took to the stand and said that there was no way his house could have burned the way it did without accelerant. They were as certain of his guilt as you are of this guy’s. It turns out even “100%, no doubt” isn’t a high enough bar.

              • @starman2112
                5 months ago

                The next person could be. As I said, any law that can be used to rightfully execute a guilty person can be abused to wrongfully execute an innocent. Not every person on death row is as certain as this case, and as much as you will say “it should only be used when there’s this much proof,” in the real world, it won’t be. Better to be rid of that system altogether. We don’t gain anything from killing someone.