• CannedTunaOP
    2 years ago

    No one made a post yet, and I wanted to talk about it so 🤷‍♂️

    Super stoked Kenshin is back. Looks like they’re just doing a 1:1 remake so far. Wonder if they’ll do anything different or if it’s just getting a visual update.

    As someone who grew up with the dub, I don’t know how I feel about the voice actor so far. I know I’m going off what I was used to, but I wonder how the updated dub will sound. I did get over the voice difference pretty quick tho.

    Since I hadn’t previously heard the sub tho, what really threw me off was hearing gozaaru used a lot. I know that’s supposed to be a super old samurai type drama formality, but didn’t know that was something the OG used all the time. Guess I was missing out on a little not watching the original subbed. I’d say I’d do a rewatch, but if they’re just going to 1:1, it’s probably not worth it.

    That all said, the animation is on point. It definitely looks pretty good so far. I’m hoping for some really good fight animation to come. Definitely can’t wait to see bandage boy show up, but I know we’ve got a ways to go before then.