I’m mostly thinking about 8 bit games, and NES in particular, but it was a thing that continued at least into the 16-bit consoles. There were a lot of games that come to mind that did the perspective shift, sometimes blending genres in the process. Stuff like:

  • Guardian Legend (sh’mup with 3rd person action)
  • Blaster Master (mix of side scrolling and top down)
  • Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link (top down, but sidescrolling battles and dungeons)
  • Contra and Super C (change in perspective from side scrolling to top-down / 3rd person)
  • Actraiser (sidescroller + god game)
  • Battle Golfer Yui (adventure/golf game mashup)

I’m sure there’s plenty of others I’m not thinking of. It just feels creative, like even if in some cases a title might not be a “good” game, stuff like this just feels interesting, and there was a lot of experimentation with genre mashups and perspective changes like this in the 8 and 16-bit era.

  • bufordt
    1 year ago

    Access software made several games for the C64 that had multiple perspectives.

    Beach head and Raid Over Moscow both had multiple stages that were each really separate mini games.

    And does crash bandicoot count with the switch from trailing camera to side camera for the ? Levels and the reverse direction leading camera for the crash bash levels?