Maybe everything that’s been generated has actually occurred or will at some point!

  • @abrasiveteapot
    171 year ago

    So in the future lots of people 6 and 8 fingets and two thumbs ? Lord the nuclear fallout must have been bad from the war

      • @cujo
        71 year ago

        It is a very well known issue that AI art had/has trouble generating the appropriate amount of fingers/toes/arms/legs. There’s a picture in botart right now of an ai generated elephant. It has six legs.

        It is so common that one of the first places many people look to see if art is AI generated is any shown hands/feet/limbs. That and teeth. AI cannot figure out how many teeth are supposed to fit in a mouth, or what size they’re supposed to be. It’ll get there one day, I’m sure.

        • @[email protected]OP
          41 year ago

          Ahhh you’re right I remember hearing that it had issues with hands but I couldn’t remember specifically what about them. It’s funny how it can create everything else in such detail but teeth and fingers? 🤷‍♂️

          • @can
            41 year ago

            It’s just like us

            • @cujo
              51 year ago

              Hahahah! AI confirming what artists have known forever: hands are the hardest. Love it.