The former president is telling Republicans he “doesn’t want Biden to have a victory” in 2024, said a source familiar with the bipartisan negotiations.

Donald Trump on Wednesday privately pressured Senate Republicans to “kill” a bipartisan deal to secure the U.S. border because he doesn’t want President Joe Biden to chalk up a win ahead of the 2024 presidential election, according to a source familiar with the tenuous negotiations on the package.

Trump directly reached out to several GOP senators on Wednesday to tell them to reject any deal, said this source, who requested anonymity to speak freely. The GOP presidential frontrunner also personally reached out to some Senate Republicans over the weekend, the source told HuffPost.

“Trump wants them to kill it because he doesn’t want Biden to have a victory,” said the source. “He told them he will fix the border when he is president… He said he only wants the perfect deal.”

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    No surprise there. Senate Republicans want another delay in a Democrat win to fuck over America. Remember how Iran delayed releasing hostages so Reagan could use it against Carter?

    • norbert
      745 months ago

      That wasn’t even the first time. Nixon tried to sabotage Vietnamese peace talks in 1968 to hurt LBJ. It worked then too, the only thing that matters when you want power is winning.

        • @[email protected]
          75 months ago

          And Ike was apolitical. He joined the Republicans because he felt the Democrats were too strong and he wanted levity between the two.

          For fun look up his presidential platform to see how…progressive… Republicans used to be and how far theyve fallen.

          Shit you don’t even have to go that far back, Reagan, their neo-liberal god, would be lampooned in today’s GOP. He passed gun-control and gave amnesty to those here illegally - both of which we should do again. He also ignored a pandemic resulting in millions of unnecessary deaths, just like our last Republican president, you know the one who stole Reagans motto, Make America Great Again. Yea Reagan did that first, that was his schtick and they both fucking failed HARD at that.

        • @[email protected]
          75 months ago

          Someone should check on Kissinger and make sure they’re still dead. Don’t want to risk that Kissinger is a lich. While you are at, take a shit on Kissinger grave for us.

    • @gravitas_deficiency
      265 months ago

      Well, not just America. Remember that part of the border deal crap involves Republicans agreeing to fund military aid to Ukraine. Ukraine is defending themselves from Russia. Putin runs Russia. Trump really likes Putin, far more than any normal person would.

      Trump is a fucking traitor.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        Also, there’s a non-zero chance we’ll get dragged into a war with Russia if Putin attacks a NATO country after Ukraine. Senators know that if we don’t fund Ukraine now, it will be much worse for everyone later, and potentially having Trump at the helm during that time would be an unmitigated disaster.

        • @gravitas_deficiency
          55 months ago

          There are more than a few articles about how people had to sandbag things to stop him from trying to unilaterally withdraw from NATO.

        • @[email protected]
          45 months ago

          I just can’t really see Russia invading a NATO country. I mean, they would be either completely destroyed relatively quickly, or we’re talking WW3 and a couple thousand years of rebuilding.

          • @[email protected]
            65 months ago

            Then again, a dying man has nothing to lose. Who knows if the rumors of him having cancer are true, but he’s certainly no spring chicken, at any rate.

    • nkat2112
      35 months ago

      ^^ This comment wins.