Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said Hungary had sent a compromise offer. The counter-proposal, which Orban considered to be the result of EU “blackmail,” would require the aid package to be reviewed on a yearly basis.

  • @gravitas_deficiency
    35 months ago

    I was under the impression that the EU is not amenable to the yearly renewal bit, as they fully expect Orban to use it as - and we’ll use Orban’s own words against him here - “blackmail” on an annual basis.

    Orban is playing with fire.

    I really do think that the EU needs to actually pull the trigger and revoke their voting rights. Yes, a likely outcome is that Hungary threatens to (or actually does) leave the EU. At this point… good. Orban has pushed Hungary far enough down the authoritarian track, and is moreover specifically undermining the EU’s strategic and geopolitical goals - both regionally and globally - that inciting them to leave is starting to look like the right move for a lot of reasons. Perhaps they can rejoin once that populist/authoritarian streak gets played out, but for now, they’re hurting everyone… and unlike Turkey, they don’t unilaterally control access to any strategically meaningful areas, so Orban really doesn’t have much of a hand to play if the EU decides they’re done entertaining his fuckery.