A convoy of vehicles headed to Texas, organized by a group called “Take Our Border Back,” has had a chaotic start, including slashed tires and a stranded participant, according to WIRED.

Organizers of the convoy, one of whom described it as “God’s army,” per Vice, had aspirations of mobilizing tens of thousands of trucks to stop migrants from crossing the Texas-Mexico border into the US.

But despite an influx of donations, plenty of media attention, and a growing social media following, things haven’t gone exactly to plan.

According to WIRED, it all started to go wrong even before the convoy had set off.

Some attendees woke up to find the tires of their cars slashed outside a hotel they’d been staying at, one of the convoy’s live-streamers said, per WIRED.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    I wonder what kind of jobs these chuckleheads have that they can just skip work for a week-long LARP. No wonder they are afraid of immigrants, immigrants work harder than these losers.