• @jubilationtcornpone
    24 months ago

    I know people who spend their entire day at the office shopping on Amazon, walking around and socializing, playing games on their computer, drinking, or doing a whole long list of non-work related stuff. Hell, I’ve worked places where it seemed like most people spent more time pretending to look busy than actually doing anything productive.

    It tends to be worse at places where the only metrics are “butts in seats.” This problem – and it’s only really a problem if expectations aren’t being met – is unrelated to remote work and is a result of poor leadership.

    • tygerprints
      04 months ago

      I’ve worked in places where that’s exactly what people did, shopped on Amazon and socialized 99 percent of the time. I agree that it’s also a leadership issue, and that you’re right, employees will slack off as much as possible whenever possible.