Doctrow argues that nascent tech unionization (which we’re closer to having now than ever before) combined with bipartisan fear (and consequent regulation) either directly or via agencies like the FTC and FCC can help to curb Big Tech’s power, and the enshittification that it has wrought.

  • @[email protected]
    25 months ago

    Didn’t like a billion people in tech get fired in headline-generating waves this past year? How does that translate to worker power?

    • @fruitycoder
      25 months ago

      Certainly lowers it. I really mean the “for now” piece, between the age of easy money ending, and and AI/ML acting as capital that can be corp owned to affect white collar output it seems as though tech companies are preparing for a squeeze on employees that are unprepared.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        Thank you for explaining further, “for now” makes a lot of sense. I personally think myself and my fellow tech workers are going to be screwed, AI will Git Gud before Tech Gets Organized.