Several senior Republican officials are concerned that Donald Trump’s expected takeover of the RNC will ultimately pave the way for the committee to once again cover his legal bills.

Those fears come in the aftermath of Trump endorsing a trio of officials, including his daughter-in-law, to take on top roles at the RNC. While those endorsements have been well-received by many committee members — who note that it is customary for a presidential candidate to put his imprint on the party’s main campaign apparatus — others fear a potential misallocation of party resources.

Henry Barbour, a Mississippi committeeman, said he believed “most RNC members will go along” with Trump’s vision for the committee, “unless there is a play to use RNC funds for President Trump’s legal bills.”

  • @gravitas_deficiency
    204 months ago

    He’s trying to install his daughter as the head of the RNC, and she’s basically said as much. Come on, republicans. This is not a hard formula to solve: if you don’t want him to take all your money, you need to stop dealing with him.

    • @agentsquirrel
      34 months ago

      if you don’t want him to take all your money, you need to stop dealing with him.

      Not gonna happen. The GOP is what we call in poker “pot committed.”

    • @[email protected]
      14 months ago

      Say what you want about the RNC and Republicans, but they have a lot of sway over their base and are much better at messaging than the DNC. They could dump Trump with a unified effort (and naturally have some temporal fallout), but the fact that they haven’t really tried says that they like being his cucks.

      • @[email protected]
        44 months ago

        The RNC has the far right on lock because the quiet part is largely out loud now. Meanwhile, the DNC needs everyone else but actively tells anybody further left than mid right or so to fuckin shove IT. Even Democrat voters are more hostile to leftists than they are Republicans/MAGAts.

        As long as the DNC is capitalist first and political second, they’re just rolling over for Trump.

      • @[email protected]
        14 months ago

        Is the temporal fallout radioactive? Where in the timeline would the radiation be strongest? If it’s in the future, it’s probably something I could live with since I’ll never have to experience it. But in the past, I might not be born.