I searched up “Lemmy” on the PlayStore and noticed that Reddit appears right before the last lemmy client in that search X3 do u guys know if there r any other lemmy clients worth trying? I randomly felt like trying all I could find and for now I’ll stay on Jerboa and the Web UI but I use Voyager too now, mainly for DMs

Edit: I apparently wasn’t clear enough but I was asking for OTHER clients that aren’t on this list X3 but feel free to share why u use an app in this list if u want anyway :3

  • Well this post’s comments have some neat suggestions! :D (tho that’s not what I was asking for, everyone is talking about the clients I already know X3 but that’s fine :3) So u could try those out and see if u like them :3

    Also gif support didn’t occurr to me, I wanted to have a gif as my banner but it didn’t work at all, maybe that’s a Jerboa issue? And I can’t remember if gifs work in posts but I think u need to tap them to open them in fullscreen and then they start moving

    • @AlligatorBlizzard
      15 months ago

      Gif support isn’t a problem on Jeroba, that was just an issue with the Reddit app I was using.

      • Oh okie my bad X3 Also I keep seeing people saying “Jeroba” instead of “Jerboa”, is that an auto-correction thing or a common confusion? cuz I think I remember the same happening with a Reddit client LOL X3

        • @AlligatorBlizzard
          25 months ago

          Oops, I got auto corrected, but I think it’s common confusion too.