In 2019, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez questioned Michael Cohen about Donald Trump. Cohen’s answers eventually led to Letitia James’s fraud lawsuit.

    • @PaupersSerenade
      4 months ago

      Lots of ‘burn it all to the ground’ users on lemmy I’ve found. They hate democrats so much that they end up sounding republican in the end. I try and ignore them, but there’s a handful each time a democrat is mentioned.

        • Melkath
          14 months ago


          Standing against fascism will assuredly lead to gang rapes and famine.

          Perhaps shut up and watch Red Dawn again?

        • anon
          04 months ago

          I’m 47 years old. I have a Master’s degree in software engineering and I have been homeless as of last year when I was priced out of existing anywhere but my 23 year old hatchback. I must be one of those outliers, huh? I must be an inconventient victim of neolberalism that could never happen to you.

          I am much further along in my realization that electorialism is dead. There is not one person in the entire US government that can turn this around. It is too far gone. I’m sure that, if you were in my place, you already have come to realise how bleak things are. Stop being so smug and marginalizing those of us that are paying attention just because you fear being awakened from your privledged lifestyle. Electoralism isn’t going to magically fix this shithole. Things need far more of a reset than voting will EVER accomplish.

          Let me guess, you want me to get out and vote for Biden?

          • NightGaunts
            14 months ago

            I am an astronaut, I have been priced out of the electric guitar market for over a year, I no longer think this city was built on rock and roll. For this reason I will blah blah blah…

          • norbert
            14 months ago

            I want you to do something more than nay-say and complain on the internet.

      • Melkath
        14 months ago

        Kbin user for the record.

        I invite you to embrace that Democracy is not binary, and “people who hate democrats so they (sound/are) republican, so I ignore them” is a stupid way to look at it, and causes an immense amount of harm to the society as a whole.

        • @PaupersSerenade
          44 months ago

          There’s no winning on this site. I’d love a multi-party system, but our current set-up isn’t like that. Right now I’d like to keep what very little bodily autonomy I have as a woman. I’ve voted and protested for years. I don’t care if you think I’m ’harming society as a whole’ because of my singular comment. I’m honestly done. I really can’t take this anymore. Yes, I will be voting democrat because the other option is too dire to consider, and that’s if I make it that long. I’m glad you were able to sum up my entire being due to one response to a user asking ‘what’. I’m glad you’ve laid this blame at my feet and called me stupid to boot. Every user is (hopefully) a human being and I just can’t stand how hostile everyone is.