Personally work in IT, mostly fixing server and infrastructure. Big fan of listening to ambiance music while working: the kind of music and sounds that make you forget that you’re listening to it, to me, that’s the perfect kind of working music. Otherwise I will listen to game and movie soundtracks from Lotr, Star Wars, Ghilbi, Harry Potter etc… I used to be all into lofi, but need a break from it now.

Anyways, please share your favorite music to listen to while working, and let us know what you work as too! More fun to see how the profession match with music taste.

Have a nice rest of your day 🌻

  • @sbv
    204 months ago

    Lots of synthwave and electronica. But mostly without lyrics (I hesitate to say instrumental, since y’know, it’s all electronic). I’m a software developer, and I find words too distracting.

    I have a hard time listening to that music when I’m not working, since it tends to be painfully repetitive.

    • edric
      54 months ago

      Hey, synths are instruments so they definitely fall under instrumental music.

      • @sbv
        34 months ago

        shows what I know