The impacted borrowers are people enrolled in the SAVE Plan.

The Biden administration will begin automatically relieving student debt for another 153,000 people on Wednesday, bringing the total number of Americans approved for debt relief to nearly 3.9 million.

President Joe Biden will tout the new debt relief in a speech from Los Angeles, and thousands of people will receive an email from the president informing them that they now qualify for relief.

“Congratulations — all or a portion of your federal student loans will be forgiven because you qualify for early loan forgiveness under my Administration’s SAVE Plan,” the email from the president will read.

The people receiving debt relief beginning Wednesday are those who enrolled in the newest student loan payment plan, called the SAVE Plan, which the Department of Education calls the most affordable plan for the majority of borrowers.

Anyone enrolled in the SAVE Plan who took out less than $12,000 in initial loans and has been paying them down for the past 10 years or more will have them forgiven.

  • Flying Squid
    175 months ago

    Looking forward to seeing people bitching about how they didn’t get any relief (THANKS, BIDEN!) rather than being happy for those who did.

    • Admiral Patrick
      5 months ago

      (I’m not nit-picking you, just building off what you said)

      I was eligible for the original forgiveness plan that got cock-blocked, and I was rightfully angry after having that dream smashed. The difference between me and “someone I know IRL who I will not name” is that I’m well aware of where to place the correct blame (hint: not Biden).

      Thus far, I have slipped through the additional forgiveness cracks. Am I salty about that? Not in the slightest. I’m in a decent enough position that resuming payments wasn’t a huge hardship, but some people are and have since qualified for the watered-down forgiveness plans. Good for them (and I mean that).

      But yeah, there are definitely some people blaming the guy who fucking tried to blanket forgive their debt and radio silent on the party they vote for that was responsible for smothering that plan in its crib.

      • Flying Squid
        185 months ago

        The problem is where they place the blame. I have repeatedly been told by people here on Lemmy that Biden promised student loan forgiveness and he didn’t deliver, ignoring the fact that SCOTUS, who can block anything he passes, blocked his student loan forgiveness plan.

        • Admiral Patrick
          45 months ago

          True. I added an additional sentence to my comment right before I saw your reply which is right there with you.

          I have repeatedly been told by people here on Lemmy that Biden promised student loan forgiveness and he didn’t deliver,

          I can’t speak for all of those, but I’m sure you’ve noticed the same pattern that I have among a handful of accounts . I’d guess a big chunk of those “people” part of the same “Biden bad; don’t vote” campaign.

          • @[email protected]
            -15 months ago

            Biden choose the most controversial way of accomplishing the debt relief plan and has refused to pursue the plan outlined by legal scholars even after his plan failed source. Considering that Biden has long been talking out both sides of his mouth, see his stance on Israel at the moment for a contemporary example, it would appear that he does not want to give the actual relief promised.

    • @[email protected]
      65 months ago

      Why not both? I am stoked that some people are getting relief! That said, if we can send billions of dollars to other countries to fund wars, I feel like we can do a little more here at home.

      I am fortunate that I am doing okay financially that my loan payments won’t bankrupt me but I know not everyone is in that same position. However if I hadn’t been so close to taking care of other debts before the deferment finally went away things would have gotten uncomfortably right for me and my family.

      I am aware that this is a me problem but I feel like with as long as that shit was deferred and with the price gouging that is happening in literally every aspect of life right now I am allowed a little anger towards Biden for not doing more.

      • Flying Squid
        95 months ago

        That said, if we can send billions of dollars to other countries to fund wars, I feel like we can do a little more here at home.

        Which would be great if Republicans and SCOTUS would allow it.

        I am allowed a little anger towards Biden for not doing more.

        What more could he do? He got student loan relief passed, SCOTUS struck it down and Republicans took over the house. He’s done everything that is in his power to do, which is not much, but at least some people are getting relief.

        I’m not going to pretend I’m a big Biden fan, but I just don’t think he deserves criticism on this specific issue because he really did try and try hard.

        • @[email protected]
          45 months ago

          Which would be great if Republicans and SCOTUS would allow it.

          So the excuse then is that he should not waste the effort to try because SCOTUS and the Republicans will shoot it down? I would rather his administration try and fail than to continue just freely giving away our money to fund foreign wars.

          What more could he do?

          Others have said it more concisely than I have the time or energy to already. As I said I am not irritated that people are getting help, it’s awesome. I am irritated because more can be done, or at least fought for, and it is not happening to the scale it should be.

          • Flying Squid
            65 months ago

            He already made the effort. And he did it when he had congress on his side. Now congress is on his side. He can’t do this without congress passing a law to help him. They won’t do that. You’re mad at the wrong person.

            • @ZombiFrancis
              55 months ago

              Generally speaking, it isn’t the person so much as the party.

              However Biden is the antithesis of marshalling his party towards legislative goals. Clyburn, Pelosi, Hoyer were all terrible as a party Whip and Clark appears to be a corporate shell supporting Israel.

              So when there is just failure to get the Democratic party to mobilize towards exercising or acquiring the political power to legislate… people get tired of the excuses. Not to mention the past overtures towards Sinema, Manchin, and the repeated calls for strong a Strong Republican Party and Bipartisanship… people are going to place thr blame on the positions of power.

              • Flying Squid
                35 months ago

                Legislate how? They’re a minority in the House and Republicans sure as fuck wouldn’t allow a vote on student loan debt relief.

                • @ZombiFrancis
                  45 months ago

                  There are vulnerable Republican House members. We have seen it demonstrated repeatedly with the Speaker shenanigans.

                  But if we close the scope of the timescale to just ‘now’ instead of over the last several election cycles it sure looks like an insurmountable challenge.

                  But if such Republican intransigence is the assumption, then the bipartisanship stance Biden has clung to is a failure strategy that should be abandoned. That as an example would be a step Biden could take to position his Party better legislstively.

                  • Flying Squid
                    15 months ago

                    the bipartisanship stance Biden has clung to is a failure strategy that should be abandoned.

                    Abandoned, nothing. It should never have been tried in the first place.

            • @[email protected]
              25 months ago

              He already made the effort.

              He doesn’t get off that easy, it required than “okay, well he tried” to get it done.

              You’re mad at the wrong person.

              Homie, I’m mad at them all. Our political landscape is a clown fiesta of a shit show. Biden is not above criticism or being held to the promises he made. 🤷‍♂️

              • Flying Squid
                65 months ago

                Again- what else can he do?

                You seem to think the president can just act unilaterally and forgive all student loans when SCOTUS specifically said he can’t do that and that congress has to.

                The president isn’t a king.

      • @[email protected]
        55 months ago

        we can send billions of dollars to other countries to fund wars, I feel like we can do a little more here at home.

        People have a profound lack of understanding about the “billions of dollars to other countries to fund wars”. Honestly, it’s like this country has gone full “Idiocracy”.

        Money is NOT sent to off countries. The “money” provides jobs to people HERE to make weapons and equipment that is sent to countries - it provides good paying jobs here. That’s why House Republicans are blocking aid to Ukraine because they want to tank the economy. That is why they will try to shut down the government. That is why they working so hare to create a worsening border crisis.

        • @[email protected]
          -55 months ago

          People have a profound lack of understanding about the “billions of dollars to other countries to fund wars”. Honestly, it’s like this country has gone full “Idiocracy”.

          Honey, sweetie, baby, it’s a simplistic way of putting it. I’m sure that raging at strangers on the internet is a good time for you but please take some time to breathe in between so you don’t give yourself an aneurysm.

          That’s why House Republicans are blocking aid to Ukraine because they want to tank the economy.

          Literally not part of the current discussion, but it is no big surprise to anyone what the republicans are doing.

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      What a one-dimensional take. I’m very happy more peoples’ loans are being forgiven. I’m also not happy that it’s been promised/unpromised at every turn for so many. I also don’t blame Biden, I blame the whole stupid inept Federal government for hating its citizens so much they’d rather see us all be poor and die than ever actually improve the state of things even a few inches.

    • Hildegarde
      -14 months ago

      It literally costs more to exclude people. Every program Biden has implemented or attempted was designed around offering minimal relief for maximal cost.

      • Flying Squid
        54 months ago

        You mean apart from his student loan forgiveness program that would have given people what they wanted but then SCOTUS struck it down and now he would need congress on his side, including Republicans, to pass it again?

        • Hildegarde
          -44 months ago

          You wean the one that required the federal government to spend money on marketing to make sure borrowers knew about the form they needed to fill out in order to allow the government to verify the borrower’s income so they could decide whether they were eligible for only $10k? Yes.

          Even if it wasn’t blocked, it ads so many unnecessary administrative costs instead of just processing a single transaction on every account.

          Even before the court’s intervention, Biden has shown no interest in doing forgiveness well, neither in the amount foregiven, nor the costs of doing so.

            • Hildegarde
              14 months ago

              The cost of forgiveness is not proportional to the value of the relief. $100k costs the same as $10k. The number he chose is arbitrary. It’s telling he picked a small one.

              • Flying Squid
                04 months ago

                You must be quite wealthy if you think $10k is not a lot of money to be forgiven.

                Also, are your student loan debts really $100k? Because they’re around $30k-$40k for most people. I would say 1/3 to 1/4 of the way to being debt free is pretty damn good.

                • Hildegarde
                  14 months ago

                  Attempting to implement 1/3 to a 1/4 of a policy is failure.

                  • Flying Squid
                    04 months ago

                    You’re right. He shouldn’t have done anything at all to help anyone if he couldn’t give you a pony.