• @[email protected]
    25 months ago

    Hooray! Sorry it had so many edits, been about a decade since I last watched any GiTS beyond the scarjo movie lol, had to go look everything up again.

    • @starman2112
      13 months ago

      I finally finished SAC and the movies, everything up to 2006. Without a doubt, the easiest 10/10 I’ve ever given any series. Legitimately made me question my decision to watch anything else since I got into anime a few years ago. I can’t believe it’s been sitting there waiting for me to watch it since I was a kid. It’s hard to explain how much I loved this series without just kinda pointing at the whole thing and saying “that’s the part I liked the most.” Absolute peak media, a new yearly rewatch.

      Thank you for convincing me to finally watch my favorite show!