Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre stepped into the debate over trans rights on Wednesday, saying “biological males” should be banned from women’s sports, change rooms and bathrooms.

“Female spaces should be exclusively for females, not for biological males,” Poilievre said in Kitchener, Ont.

The Conservative leader made the comments after being asked if, as prime minister, he would introduce legislation to prevent “transgender women” or “biological men” from participating in female sports or entering female prisons and shelters.

“A lot of the spaces … are provincially and municipally controlled, so it is unclear … what reach federal legislation would have to change them,” Poilievre said.

“But obviously female sports, female change rooms, female bathrooms should be for females, not for biological males,” he added.

  • @Voroxpete
    4 months ago

    So our most likely next PM is going to be a massive transphobe. Great.

    My sister literally just moved here so that her daughter wouldn’t have to suffer this shit in Britain, and it turns out the same bullshit is waiting for her right here.

    Why do Conservatives have to live their entire lives finding new groups of people to hate for no good reason? There are actual problems in this country that need solving, and instead you want to put your energy into being mad that someone decided they weren’t comfortable in their assigned gender?

    (and no, it is not new to me that Pollievre has transphobic views, but he at least wasn’t being so utterly blatant about them before. The fact that he feels comfortable saying this stuff so openly is fucking terrifying)

    • @[email protected]
      164 months ago

      Why do Conservatives have to live their entire lives finding new groups of people to hate for no good reason?

      Because they hate themselves.

      It’s like they all have a bully complex, but failed to outgrow being that 12-year-old jackass in elementary school.

      • FaceDeer
        154 months ago

        I think that’s too convenient and loaded an explanation. I suspect a better one can be found in social identity theory, with positions like these being social markers that they use to establish firm boundaries around their in-group. Every group tends to develop social markers, things you’re expected to believe or otherwise exhibit to show that you’re “on their side.” There may be some particular reason why any given marker first shows up, but once it gets adopted it becomes essentially self-perpetuating.

        • @[email protected]
          34 months ago

          I would believe that only if these people say/do horrible things while in their group.

          The reality is, they are just as hateful in private as they are in public.

          • FaceDeer
            34 months ago

            Social markers are usually not a conscious thing. Once it becomes part of the “this is the way a proper person behaves” ruleset it gets internalized.

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      It’s actually precisely so they don’t have to solve those problems. Most politicians don’t campaign on accomplishments alone. Increasingly, they campaign on empty promises and real threats.