Tons of protests going on everywhere against Israel, but not a single government has changed their stance

    7 months ago

    He’s right. There’s no clearcut answer to the questions. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t. What kind of an answer does OP expect with an open question like that?

      7 months ago

      Probably longer and with ideas that they didn’t thought of. On account of an open question like that. Which it seems many other commenters came up with.

      • Atomic
        7 months ago

        They’re all talking about successful protests. Because unsuccessful protests are rarely something we remember.

        It’s a perfectly good, efficient answer. Do they work? Sometimes. It (often) depends on how many people are involved in the protest

        I can think of one very successful protest that only involved one single monk

          7 months ago

          What is efficient in reiterating the same answer that applies to basically everything - “Yes and no”? Is there someone who doesn’t somehow know that?

          And the practice of self-immolation have never stopped; in the rest of the world (outside of north-Tibetan region known as China) it’s very underreported - it happened at least 160 times since 2009. There’s complexity in everything and my argument is that saying “maybe or whatever” is absolutely meaningless.

          • Atomic
            7 months ago

            You’re not questioning the efficiency of the answer here. You’re questioning the quality.

            You don’t even know yourself what it is you want. And please. Stop with the strawman arguments. It’s pathetic.

            No one claimed self immolation stoped. Why are you trying to bring it up as if I’ve said otherwise? Same goes with your disgusting paraphrasing. No one said “maybe or whatever” and tried to play it off like that.

            It’s very simple. Question: “Does protests work?” Answer: “Sometimes (we won’t know if it will until we try)”

              7 months ago

              I’m sorry for bringing information that no one did during conversation. And please do not tell me what I meant like you are in my head. I find it pointless to tell people what they already know. I define it as “the least you can do (the effort that’s meaningless)”. And go to hell dick, let’s discuss nothing ever, and get angry over insults that you made up (is that straw man or not?), and don’t forget to be rude, particularly as it’s not your fault this conversation even started.

              It’s so simple it didn’t even need to be said.

              Edit: Actually I’m done here. I’m sick and don’t need to talk to someone who calls people pathetic because they disagree with them. It’s become detrimental long time ago. You won, I yield, I’m wrong and you successfully defended a commenter who didn’t even needed it. From what? I have no idea.

              • Atomic
                7 months ago

                If you meant to question the efficiency then that word does not mean what you think it means.

                I certainly did not invent the word strawman nor the use of its tactic in debate. The act of making up an argument from the other side and then respond to it. (You have the combined knowledge of the human race at your fingertips. But googling “what is strawmanning” is too complicated?)

                My fault this conversation started? How did you come to that conclusion? You chose to respond. With the dumbest response possible. That’s not my fault. That’s entirely on you.

                If you think the answer is so simple it should not be said, then it’s not the answer that’s the problem, it’s the question.

                Which is another dying way of thinking. Just because the answer is simple and obvious to you doesn’t mean it’s the case for him

                  7 months ago

                  Where in the hell did I say that you started the conversation? It’s really hard to talk to somebody who is twisting what was said. It’s literally WRITTEN. Maybe you should look up that straw man thing yourself. Because yes, you did use it number of times, by putting meaning into what I wrote that was not there. And it was you who responded to me, and not even to my original comment, try scrolling up and reading what was said for once.

                  Example of a straw man:

                  You don’t even know yourself what it is you want. And please. Stop with the strawman arguments. It’s pathetic.

                  What the hell does it mean “I don’t know what I want”? What else do you assume about me? What I want is not being told the obvious which sounds like dismissal rather than any meaningful piece of knowledge.

                  No one claimed self immolation stoped. Why are you trying to bring it up as if I’ve said otherwise?

                  Where did I implied that you said otherwise? I’m sorry for not being aware of your endless knowledge. Next time I will correct myself and assume that you know everything already. It was pathetic of me.

                  You should belittle people more, it’s absolutely a winning strategy by telling them what they wrote is straw man, thusly their opinion doesn’t matter. And don’t forget to say “that’s not what I wrote”.

                  Insulting people on the internet is literally the last thing on my list of priorities. After reading all the comments I realised I didn’t do anything like that to you. At least once you decided that I insulted other guy but not you, so you rolled out with real ones. And all this over one stupid sarcastic jab, that wasn’t even for you, yet you couldn’t stand it.

                  It makes me crazy when people assume the worst about me, when nothing like that was said by me. I will not stand misrepresentation.

                  Number of times you have put fault on the poster, the original commenter, me, but never yourself. I can’t talk to those that seem to have no self awareness, or are not able to admit fault. I can’t imagine thinking that I am constantly and stubbornly right, I can’t live like this, it’s one of the worst assumption a person can have about themselves.

                  And I am over the original topic of this nonsensical conversation, as we haven’t moved the goal post even once. It remind me of that time bodybuilders argued how long a week is. I’m sorry for implying that you might have been not aware of this though.

                  Edit: I just read all my comments once again and I have no idea where I was strawmaning in that third comment I made in the entire conversation. Since I am too stupid to understand it can you explain so I can improve in the future. So never again I will be accused of “not knowing what I want” whatever that even supposed to mean.

                  • Atomic
                    7 months ago

                    I see writing a novel is on your list of priorities though. Thought you were done.

                    The irony of your response accusing me of all the things you lack and cannot comprehend is so strong I can taste it.

                    Your first comment to the top one was “thanks sherlock”. You don’t think that’s insulting? Oh right. You’re above that. You don’t insult people by ironically calling them by Sherlock, the master detective.
