• PlzGivHugs
    44 months ago

    The changes to unit and god powers worries me a bit. Hopefully there’ll be some way to change those back to the old system for those who perfer it. The old system, IMO, was a really interesting approach to unit micro that was great for newbies and still had a lot of depth.

    • Zagorath
      4 months ago

      I suspect myth units will be toggleable to auto-use powers. Like you say, it’s a really handy crutch for newbies (and we are talking about the game that had an “auto-queue villagers” button). But I doubt god powers will be able to be switched back to the OG design. If you want that, EE is still out there, but being able to reuse god powers is inevitably going to be something that figures into their balance going forward, so disabling that would have larger ramifications.

    • @nanoUFOOPM
      14 months ago

      I think it’s more for ranked play, the god powers in general weren’t terrible useful for a lot of gods so it being on like a 10+ min cooldown might spice things up. Though I never did get into aom ranked so I can’t say.