• trevor
    4 months ago

    I have contempt for anyone refusing to stand up to fascism

    And yet… you’re out here playing defense for a perpetrator of genocide who is currently licking the boot of the leader of a fascist ethnostate. The problem is weak-willed liberals that make it easy for fascists.

    • @LopensLeftArm
      34 months ago

      No, there is one fascist threatening to take power in the United States, and you’re offering support for him by attacking the one person who can stand in his way. You think Trump will be any better for the people of Palestine? Neither of the two candidates for president are going to waver in supporting Israel, using that a an excuse to not vote for Biden in the general is disingenuous and makes you as complicit as any other MAGA supporter.

      • trevor
        4 months ago

        If “attacking” means supporting anti-genocide protests, then sure, buddy. Imagine being okay with genocide.

        Obviously Trump will be as bad or worse for the Palestinians. The problem is that Biden is the one doing it now, when there is this much at stake. Ignoring the whole “Biden is doing a genocide” thing, which you shouldn’t, he’s making it difficult for people to want to turn up to vote for him. That is entirely his fault. As it turns out, people don’t like genocide. Too fucking bad.

        Also, I like how fascism, as long as it’s outside of the US, is totally fine with you.

        • @LopensLeftArm
          24 months ago

          Biden is not “doing a genocide” that pure bullshit. At most, he’s enabling a genocide by supporting Israel, something American presidents have done since ever since Israel became a nation. You bitch and moan all you like, I couldn’t care less. You vote for Biden in the general, or you’re complicit in fascism. Again, vote how you like in the primaries, get it all out of your system, but come November, it’s time to put on your big kid pants and vote for the one person who can stop a fascist takeover here in America. If you’re not willing to turn out for Biden then, it’s entirely on you, and you’re as guilty as those who vote for him.

          • trevor
            4 months ago

            Thanks for confirming that you’re a proud genocide defender.

            I guess we’ll see how doing nothing but defending genocide until the general elections turns out. Surely it’ll have a better outcome than acknowledging the fact that enabling genocide (and thereby, doing genocide) is not acceptable and having Biden change course on that. I’m not confident that defending genocide will win people that are anti-genocide or otherwise apathetic to voting over.

            • @LopensLeftArm
              24 months ago

              I’m defending the only option standing between us and a fascist taking power in America. You’re over here making false equivalencies to attack him.

              Are you going to vote for Biden in the general? Yes or no, it should be an easy question to answer.

              • trevor
                -24 months ago

                You’re defending genocide, and anyone that isn’t in favor of the genocide can see that. We’re going in circles, which, I think, might be representative of the broader strategy of telling people to “suck it up, the genocide is the best we’re going to get”, so I’ll leave you to ponder that.

                • @LopensLeftArm
                  24 months ago

                  Still haven’t answered the question, I notice. Are you voting for Biden in the general, yes or no?

                  • Jeff
                    44 months ago

                    Holy hell. The dumbs are gonna let CheetoPoopyPants back in aren’t they.