The government’s decree is a response to a long-standing complaint by the meat industry that terms like ‘vegetarian ham’ or ‘vegan sausage’ were confusing for consumers.

The French government issued a decree on Tuesday, February 27, banning the term “steak” on the label of vegetarian products, saying it was reserved for meat alone. Other terms that can no longer be used for meat-free products include “escalope,” “ham,” “filet” and “prime rib,” according to the decree.

The ruling is a response to a long-standing complaint by the meat industry that terms like “vegetarian ham” or “vegan sausage” were confusing for consumers. It is based on a 2020 law whose application was temporarily suspended by the State Council in June 2022 after a complaint from Proteines France, a consortium of French companies selling plant-based food.

  • @where_am_i
    384 months ago

    Just like with vegan cheese, vegan parmesan, vegan milk and so on. How am I supposed to look for substitutes when shopping online or in a supermarket?

    Big fat L, France. Caved in to the meat industry, maybe next you can support Germany in keeping the gasoline cars on the roads for longer.