Disclaimer: I thought of this while using this command line. I actually think Celeste and Matrix are good and trans rights are human rights.

Image description: [ First pannel; character turning his back on the Trans flag, Madeline from Celeste and the Matrix movie title screen : “I am not Trans”. Second pannel; character hugging a box labeled ‘gender’: “I enjoy the gender I was assigned at birth.” Third pannel; character typing on a laptop with the Arch Linux logo while wearing programming socks. A bubble shows the line on the screen : ‘makepkg -cis’. The character says: “When I compile an AUR package, I clean install files, install the program, sync dependencies; in a single line.” ]

  • @FlorianSimon
    44 months ago

    My own way of using command line arguments for ill intents:

    netstat -tue -lepen

    Yes. I know some of those flags are redundant.

    • @loaExMachinaOP
      4 months ago

      ill intents

      I’d say it’s good intent!