Reversal of smoking ban criticised as ‘shameful’ for lacking evidence
New Zealand is repealing the world’s first smoking ban passed under former prime minister Jacinda Arden’s government to pave the way for a smoke-free generation amid backlash from researchers and campaigners over its risk to Indigenous people.
The new coalition government led by prime minister Christopher Luxon confirmed the repeal will happen on Tuesday, delivering on one of the actions of his coalition’s ambitious 100-day plan.
The government repeal will be put before parliament as a matter of urgency, enabling it to scrap the law without seeking public comment, in line with previously announced plans.
We won’t ban air, but feel free to stop taking it up for so many other people.
Yes, air is necessary for humans. Not an addiction.
I appreciate that you agree with everything else I’m saying and you’re just trying to pick one thing out to eke out your survival while perpetually losing side of this debate, but you probably should have chosen a simpler target to attack than air not being important for people.
You’re wrong again, a consistent six logical fallacies for you? You’re incorrect on so many things I’ve lost count.
Please keep trying, it is fun watching how much deeper you can dig yourself into this ditch.
Had a guy tell me heroin was necessary once. You admit you can’t quit air but won’t face the fact you have an addiction? First step is admitting you have a problem.
Actually, I think you will find I am winning.
I’m right about smoking being cool. Why do you want to illegalise cool things?
I admit you have a problem.
A junkie telling you they need heroin does not make heroin a biological human necessity.
With your addiction to being wrong, it isn’t surprising you don’t understand what’s right.
Keep swinging.
Have we established I have an addiction? What addiction are you talking about and by what metric are you deeming it “wrong”?
Sounds like a value judgement, that.
Your being incorrect is an objective fact.
You don’t believe the sun is a human necessity. That’s incorrect.
You don’t believe food is a human necessity. That’s incorrect.
You don’t believe the air is a human necessity. That’s incorrect.
You use metaphors incorrectly.
You can’t tell the difference between anecdotes or established scientific fact.
Regardless of being continually incorrect, you state what are obviously incorrect conclusions repeatedly.
You’re addicted to being wrong.
While I’m not addicted to being right, it does feel good to continually be right and read your incorrect responses.
Keep going.
No, as is evidenced by my being right. If you can’t even keep simple fact like that straight, how can you propose possessing knowledge of what should be a crime.
You repeating your false statements only further proves my point.
I understand you’re confused and you don’t know what you’re talking about, so you might want to try asking questions instead of doubling down on obvious falsities.
I want you to know that even though you are clearly addicted to “arguing with some faggot on the internet” I wouldn’t deign to ban you from doing so, even though it is obviously bad for your health.
You are confusing that misattributed quote with someone else, I never wrote that.
Further proving your confusion and addiction to being wrong!
You’re batting .000 now!