My Nextcloud has always been sluggish — navigating and interacting isn’t snappy/responsive, changing between apps is very slow, loading tasks is horrible, etc. I’m curious what the experience is like for other people. I’d also be curious to know how you have your Nextcloud set up (install method, server hardware, any other relevent special configs, etc.). Mine is essentially just a default install of Nextcloud Snap.

Edit (2024-03-03T09:00Z): I should clarify that I am specifically talking about the web interface and not general file sync capabilites. Specifically, I notice the sluggishness the most when interacting with the calendar, and tasks.

  • @atzanteol
    14 months ago

    It’s just what it means in this specific context.

    “I used the wrong words but I feel like justifying them as right.”

    This is that whole “I know literally means literally the opposite of what I meant but deal with it” bullshit. Whatever, I’ll not argue with such lunacy. Words mean whatever you want them to.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      Words evolve, and sometimes, they gain new meanings. “Bare metal” is not a scientific terms, and so it can be bent depending on the context.

      You can either accept that or not, it doesn’t change the fact that that’s what it now can mean.

      • @atzanteol
        14 months ago

        That is not an excuse to misuse terms.

        In this case the phrase is blatantly being misused or misunderstood by the person using it.

      • @atzanteol
        4 months ago

        Let me put it this way - you can accept the fact that the words you chose are not only wrong but also misleading since not everybody will understand your specific meaning in this context, or you can use the right friggin’ words.

        Saying “containers aren’t running on bare-metal” makes a claim about the performance of applications running in a container vs. the host OS. In reality there will be zero or negligible difference.

        Your job as a speaker is to be understood - if you’re not going to do that then people will be confused and it’s your fault for the confusion.

    • @atzanteol
      -14 months ago

      He look - I drive a car with a V8! I mean I know it only has 4 cylinders in-line but I count them twice and I like the letter “V” so in this specific context it’s a V8!