• @ArbitraryValue
    3 months ago

    I don’t think there’s a conspiracy at the NYT, at least because they’re never going to pass as a conservative organization. Pessimism about Biden won’t change that.

    My guess is that, like many people, they’re panicking in slow motion. It’s hard to maintain your composure when you think your nation and your way of life are seriously threatened, but then things look worse when you panic.

    • mozz
      123 months ago

      I don’t think there’s a conspiracy at the NYT, at least because they’re never going to pass as a conservative organization. Pessimism about Biden won’t change that.

      The New York Times is absolutely a conservative organization. They supported the Iraq War including with an infamous series of articles that included, more or less, outright fabrications. They along with the rest of the mainstream press shit relentlessly on people like Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders whose wild popularity among voters is due to him being much better-aligned with their political views, in opposition to either the center-right or the far-right-sorta-Nazis that are the two choices that exists in modern Washington. I haven’t looked at their coverage of Gaza but I’m sure the viewpoint it begins at is horrifying.

      I like Biden and I like the New York Times. But in most places in the world they’d be a conservative paper. It’s only because the Overton window has shifted so, so far in this country that they’re considered as some kind of liberal bastion because they occasionally report the truth instead of slavishly fawning over the leader like some kind of Belarusian hack.

      • @ArbitraryValue
        3 months ago

        I think if you define mainstream Democrats as center-right, then by that standard the NYT would indeed be a conservative organization. However, that’s beside the point - even if you call it conservative, it’s still clearly an organization that does not support Trump. Some doom-and-gloom about Biden won’t change that reputation, especially since he’ll get their official endorsement. (They haven’t endorsed a Republican presidential candidate since Eisenhower in 1956.)

        • @[email protected]
          23 months ago

          So then yes they are as the democratic party is 100% a center right party.

          Just because they don’t support trump doesn’t have anything to do with if they are a conservative organization