• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    -61 year ago

    Exactly, China leads in lots of areas. 5G tech, quantum communication, bullet trains, nuclear power, just to name a few. People who keep claiming that China is just stealing and copying western tech are just ignorant racists.

    • @Varyk
      11 year ago

      The examples you choose, yogi.

      • The US is leading China in all quantum fields except quantum communications if you consider putting already-developed tech(by the US) into a satellite a “lead”. Is that what you mean?

      • Maglev trains developed by Britain, Japan and Germany, yes what a technical coup for the CCP.

      • Nuclear power? This false claim makes no sense. The US is way ahead technologically of everyone else and lots of European countries have had working nuclear power plants for decades.