• @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      The ‘lamb’ in ‘Lamb of God’ refers to the 10th plague of Egypt, where God told Moses to that an Angel of Death would go through the Egypt killing all the firstborn sons, and instructed the Israelites to put lambs blood above their door so that the Angel of Death would pass over their home (this is also what the Jewish holiday Passover is celebrating).

      Jesus is symbolically the Lamb of God in scripture because he is the lamb that was slaughtered so that all of man’s sin would be forgiven.

      The above passage is just referencing that symbolism that was already established. It’s not the reason why he’s called the Lamb of God in the first place.

    • @TopRamenBinLaden
      4 months ago

      Pretty much. It’s mostly used by cultists as just another title for Jesus. It was used to refer to him in a couple bible passages. For that passage, homie was either tripping balls, having a schizophrenic episode, or both.

      It’s also a pretty good metal band.