• kirbowo808
    204 months ago

    I understand banning something that’s basically super unhealthy and has direct links to cancer but at the same time, ppl have been smoking and consuming drugs/alcohol for centuries and by stopping ppl from doing it, it’s basically gonna encourage a new generation to try it.

    If they’re gonna start banning things like this, then maybe they should also ban alcohol and talcum powder too since they also have links to cancer as well.

    Things like this, ppl should be taught about the effects of drugs/cigarettes/alcohol in a safe environment, not just ban things cuz the law says otherwise. You can’t have a black/white approach to those things.

    • 🔰Hurling⚜️Durling🔱
      194 months ago

      Prohibition has never and will never work, and we have the data to prove it. However, these laws are made by people who want to go and say “I did a thing, re-elect me peasants!”

    • arglebargle
      4 months ago

      Is it not just a ban on selling a product? People could grow tobacco, and roll their own.

      I didn’t read the law, but from the article it looks like it is just a ban on the sale of the product, not personal choice to actually use tobacco.